Chapter 27: Dear Kevin

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Kevin's POV

My hands have never trembled before in my life but for some unknown reason or rather should I say for some unknown hands are trembling right now as I unfold this simple piece of paper.

My heart is beating so fast as if it has already sensed what is about to come next.

"...It's her handwriting" I mumbled to myself as it was the first thing I noticed when I opened the letter.

But I don't know for some reason I just don't wish to read whatever is written in it but I also know that I have to, thinking so I started reading the letter.

Dear Kevin,

By now you must have known that I'm gone and you might also want to know the reason behind my sudden disappearance.

Though I don't know how to tell you this but I surely know that what I'm about to say will break your heart...but you have every right to know that...that I-I lost our baby.

I had a miscarriage.

I know I should have told this to you in person but I'm sorry...I'm so sorry I couldn't do that because I don't have the courage to look into your eyes and tell that the baby we both were waiting for is no longer with me...that the perfect family your eyes were dreaming about is no longer so perfect...that I lost a part of my soul today which I'll never be able to find again.

I don't have the strength to see your hopes and dreams breaking down in front of me because I have already had a great loss and I'm broken.

I don't think I can handle seeing you breaking down too.

I can't live with you anymore because living with you will always remind me of the future I wished for the three of us...and also of what I have lost.

So you have to live your life without me from now onwards because our baby was the sole reason of our marriage and now I don't have that reason anymore so that's why.

...I'm letting you go.

I'm leaving you these divorce papers, I have already signed them all you need to do is sign them and summit them to my lawyer, she'll handle everything from there.

Please be your life to the fullest...the way you always wanted...with no ties that would bind you down.

With no unwanted marriage and wife.

Our marriage was just a compromise after all. I'm sure you'll forget me soon and will never even miss me again and will move on with your life.

And honestly...that's what I hope and wish you would do.

With love.

Your silly friend who stayed in your life for a while.

And also your wife.

Sorry scratch that...ex wife.


The letter fell down from my hand because of my light grip on it and also because of the cold wind that was blowing in through the open window.

Our baby...miscarriage...divorce.



Why was I not informed about it immediately.

I don't think I can handle this shocking news...I mean I never thought that something like this could happen with us. I-I don't know what I'm supposed to do now.

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