Chapter 5: The dinner

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Ashley's POV

"So Ashley now that you have completed your graduation what are you planning to do further" uncle Matthew asked as we all were sitting together having dinner. Kevin is sitting beside me, oh what was the need for him to sit just beside me.

"I have not decided anything yet" I replied, well how can I decide about my future when all I'm worried about is this pregnancy and their reactions when they'll get to know.

"Ashley I want you to meet a boy and then if you like him we'll get you married to him" my dad said or should I say dropped a bomb over me. Here I'm so worried and they want me to marry great.

"So this is the important thing you wanted to talk about" Kevin asked my mom with a shocked expression.

"Yeah, your dad knows that boy too" She replied to him and then turned to uncle Matthew and continued "You remember Mr.David right it's his son, we think he'll be good for Ashley".

Kevin looked at me as if to see my reaction he looked kind of angry but I looked down and this whole marriage thing made me remember a conversation with my parents and uncle Matthew, about one year back.

My mom and dad called me and Kevin together one day, they said the wanted to talk about something important and as I reached the living room I saw that uncle Matthew was there too.

"What do they want to talk about, did you do something" I asked Kevin in a whisper.

"I'm not a kiddo like you to do something for which my parents will call me like this to scold" he replied and I frowned at him.

"So why did you called us together, what do you want to talk about" Kevin asked his dad.

"We all were thinking to get you both married, since you both know each other from childhood we think that you'll be good for each other" uncle Matthew said as we sat down on the sofa.

"Yeah and we know you Kevin since you were a kid so we can trust you that you'll keep our daughter happy" my mom said.

"And we are not asking you both to get married right now, maybe in one or two years" my dad said.

"Dad why do you want to punish me like this, who will marry this fatty" Kevin teased me as usual.

"Oh as if you are a prince of somewhere, I also don't want to marry a monkey like you" I replied and we kept fighting like that ignoring our parents who were shaking their head at us.

And then that topic never came up.

"Ashley say something" I snapped out of my thoughts hearing my mom's voice.

"What" I asked.

"I was asking that do you agree to meet that boy" mom said.

But before I could deny Kevin spoke "I don't think that boy is good for her".

"How can you say that when you don't even know him Kevin" uncle Matthew said.

"Dad I'm sure she doesn't want this too" Kevin argued back.

"Okay then let's ask her only" mom said then looking at me she continued "Tell us, what do you want".

I looked at Kelly for help and she mouthed "Tell them" and then I looked at Kevin who didn't looked happy.

"I'm...I don't want to marry" I said nervously looking down as everyone's eyes were on me waiting for me to say something.

"But why" mom and dad both asked together.

"Ashley we just want you to be happy, meet him once he's a good boy" mom tried to convince me.

"No mom, I don't want to marry" I replied and Kelly gave me a look again.

"Okay fine, but why" mom asked and now I think it's the time they should know that truth before this marriage conversation goes any further. I can't hide it for long anyway.

"I...I'm pregnant" I finally gathered the courage to say this and there was silence in the dining room as everyone stopped eating and looked at me which made me more nervous as tears formed in my eyes.


Kevin's POV

"I...I'm pregnant" Ash said in a shaky voice and I almost choked as I drank water and coughed a few times as the news settled in my head.

I looked at Ash as realization drowned me of the baby being mine and she was looking down like she's ashamed and then I looked at everyone else who looked shocked by the news apart from Kelly I guess she must have known about this.

"Ashley" Emily said with disappointment and sighed and her dad was just quite.

"I'm sorry mom" Ash said as tears made their way out of her eyes. No I can't see her like this.

"Look at me Ashley" Emily said this time softly "Who's the father" she continued when Ash didn't look up. She was quite, clearly so embarrassed.

I sighed before saying in a low whisper to her "When were you planning to tell me", I'm a little angry and hurt that she didn't find it necessary to tell me although she got a chance to tell when we talked before dinner.

Now I get it why she was so nervous and why she avoided talking to me much when I went to her room before dinner this evening.

"Your mom is asking you something" uncle James said. I'm glad they are not much angry and talking nicely to Ash.

"Dad..." Ash trailed off, I guess she's scared of their reaction. I won't let her face this alone.

"I'm the father, it's my baby" I said loud enough for everyone to hear. And here goes another shock for them.

My dad looked at me with a questioning look and I sighed.

"Don't worry Ash" I whispered keeping my hand on her shoulder and she finally looked up.

"When you both were in a relationship then why you denied to get married when we asked" my dad said, I still remember the day when they asked us if we want to marry eachother and marriage is a really big decision so I denied. But before I could reply to dad Ash spoke.

"We are not in a relationship, it's just a mistake" I felt hurt when she called it a mistake, our baby is not a mistake.

"We can't change anything, we just have to think about what we should do further" uncle James said as Emily and my dad nodded and Ash sighed.

"So what will you do now, do you both want this baby" Emily asked.

"Or do you want to abort it" Kelly suggested.

"Of course I want the baby" I quickly replied. Although I'm not at all ready to be a father yet, but the idea of abortion is not settling well with me.

"I don't know" Ash said.

"Take your time and decide dear" my dad said while patting Ash's shoulder.

I'll have to talk to Ash alone, I thought to myself.


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