Chapter 24: Happiness and Heartbreaks

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Ashley's POV

"Stop following me" I snapped getting annoyed when I noticed that he was following me like a lost puppy...though he's not looking as cute as a puppy but rather angry just like a wolf you know like if he has just lost his mate.

I mean you are getting what I'm trying to say right?

Ugh! What's wrong with me, I really need to stop reading these kind of books.

But right now the more important thing is that I should be the one mad at him not the other way around.

First his ex-girlfriend comes out of nowhere and ruins my mood just by her presence around me.

And then when I needed sometime alone so I went to the rooftop and somewhat cried I don't understand why though either it's just because of my pregnancy hormones that are making me too emotional and sensitive on small small things or I guess it's just because I didn't like seeing Melina anywhere near Kevin.

It's the same feeling I felt when I saw them together in the bar while we were on our honeymoon.

But soon I wasn't alone on the rooftop, Tyler joined me and we just talked about random things. He didn't ask me the reason of my tear stained face to which I'm really thankful, but he surely looked concerned.

I felt a little better after talking to him as it's always good to have a friend to talk to when you are in a bad mood.

But then Kevin joined us and...well you know the rest.

I'm so mad at him for revealing about our no wait don't get me wrong I don't have any kind of feelings for Tyler but I didn't wanted him to find out in this way, I was myself going to reject his proposal but I could have done it in a much better way then a polite manner so that I don't hurt his feelings.

It's just that Kelly loves Tyler and what happened between the three of us few minutes ago, I don't want that to effect their relationship which hasn't even started yet.

"Never, why are you even mad at me and what the fuck is going on between you and this Tyler guy" he asked snapping me out of my thoughts "And when were you going to tell me that he proposed you, after getting the wedding invitation cards printed?" he added.

"Why do you care" I replied and tried to walk away...keyword 'tried' because the next thing I knew was being softly pinned against the wall with him hovering over me.

"Don't you dare walk away from me when I'm talking" he said in a low voice through his gritted teeth and looked intimidating for a fleeting moment.

Well that's rare.

I just stayed quiet as after a moment he started speaking again.

"I care because..." I was hoping to hear something which I never imagined I could want to hear so badly just from him...but my hopes and my heart both came crushing down when he trailed off.

I do feel your love in everything that you do for me but then why can't you just admit it to me, as much as I wanted to voice out my thoughts to him but I kept them to myself as my vision became a little blurry again.

"See this is your problem...this is what you lack at least Tyler doesn't hide his feelings he's..." I started blabbering but was interrupted when I felt something soft against my lips.

It took me a few seconds to register what was happening.

He was kissing me!!

"I care because you are mine...only mine and no damn Harrison can change that" he said pulling away before I could even respond to his kiss.

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