Chapter 1: Birthday bash

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Ashley's POV

"Happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Ashley happy birthday to you" I covered my ears with pillow trying to go back to sleep but the pillow couldn't stop the voices singing happy birthday.

"Hey birthday girl wake up" I heard my mom soft voice so finally I said good bye to my lovely sleep And the moment I pulled the blanket away and sat up I was attacked by my mom dad and my cousin Kelly they all hugged me together saying happy birthday loudly.

"Thank you everyone" I said with little sadness in my voice which didn't go unnoticed by the three of them.

"What's wrong dear why you sound so sad" my dad asked.

"Yeah even when we came to wish you in the mid night you didn't open the door" this time Kelly was the one to ask while my mom was quite.

"No nothing's wrong" I lied trying to get up from the bed but my mom stopped me.

"So you are sad because he didn't call you to wish you hmm" my mom said.

Before I could say something Kelly said "so that's the reason you didn't open the door last night maybe you wanted him to wish you first" giving me a knowing look.

"No I'm not sad because of that monkey Kevin" I said in frustration.

"Oh but we didn't mention him right Kelly" mom said smiling.

"See now you admitted yourself that you are sad that Kevin didn't wish you first" Kelly said with that look on her face again. I don't understand why they always keep teasing me like that I mean we are just friends.

"I'm not talking to anyone" I said walking to the bathroom ignoring the three of them who were trying to stop me knowing that now I'm angry on them too.

What does he think that my birthday won't be happy if he doesn't wish happy birthday well then he's wrong it will be my best birthday till now but he could have came and wished me at night even after staying in the mansion opposite to our mansion he didn't came yes he stays so near actually my parents and Kevin's parents are best buddies since their college time.

I was two years old when Kevin's mom died and not wanting Kevin to feel lonely my parents suggested uncle Matthew I mean Kevin's dad to shift here in California so he will have my and mom's company since uncle Matthew is always busy with his work and from then on Kevin is really close to my mom and dad specially mom he even calls her mom, well sometimes. Anyways I'm sure he must have been in some club with his stupid friends.

"Well if he didn't wish me then he should not even come in the party I'll be more then happy anyways I can't stand him a minute he always annoys me" I said to myself loudly and angrily while looking at myself in mirror and doing my hair but turned back hearing someone's voice.

"Really you don't want me in the party and here I thought that you were missing me badly" Kevin said dramatically.

I looked at him surprised because he was wearing a suit he doesn't wear suits when he is at home but I must say that he was looking really hot in it I shouldn't be saying that right because he is just my friend its not right I think.

"What are you doing here" I said anger dripping from my voice as I moved to my walk in closet.

"Ash I can explain listen" he tried to say further but I cut him off.

"Why should I listen to you who are you" I said without looking at him.

"I'm your best friend Ash" he said like stating fact.

"I never said we are best friends, best friends like eachother and I don't like you" I said not sure myself.

"Oh come on Ash I know you more then you know yourself and you know you can't stay without this friend" he said smirking as he referred to himself I stayed quiet.

"Okay I'm sorry actually I was not here I had a business meeting so you know I couldn't come to wish you last night" he said and I know that he is not lying so I will forgive him this time.

"Okay your sorry is accepted I forgive you" I said trying not to smile. Everyone says he is rude and arrogant and that's what I don't understand because he is really funny and nice to me since our childhood only he's not arrogant or rude at all.

"Hey where are you lost" Kevin said waving his hand in front of me.

"Where's my gift" I said with my hands on my waist ignoring his question.

"Oh no I forgot about it" he said but continued instantly seeing the anger and sadness in my eyes "Just kidding I have brought your gift but you'll get it afterwards now I have to meet mom so bye stupid" I tried to hit him as he called me stupid again like always but he was already out of the room and I just sighed he knows how to annoy me monkey.


"Mom mom where are my sandals I can't find them mom" I called out my mom loudly while getting ready but God knows where she is. Ugh now what I will wear in the party.

"Are you looking for these" Kevin entered my room with the sandals in his hands I snatched them from him.

"So you are the thief" I said giving him a suspicious look maybe he stealed them to gift it to some girl ugh this idea is not making me feel good.

"Hey I don't need to steal your ugly sandals you were the one who forgot them in my room silly girl" Kevin said, oh now I remember when I went to his room to show him what shopping I have done I must have forgotten them there.

"Well my sandals are better then your face" I said wearing them.

"By the way how am I looking" I said twirling around.

"Fat and ugly" he mocked while running out of my room to save his dear life knowing its in danger.

Ugh I hate him. Why can't he let a day pass without annoying and making me angry huh.

Soon the party started its not a big one just my family and friends who are close to me are invited as per my wish. Kevin tried to talk but I ignored him. After cutting the cake and all everyone was enjoying the party while I was having some drinks I'm not a person who loves alcohol.

Actually I can can't handle it but today my friends and cousins were teasing me so much like always that today I turned twenty one but still I'm a baby who doesn't drinks and what not so I decided that today I'll drink and get high as everyone else does.

I walked out of my room to return to the party after using the washroom.

I can barely walk straight because I'm so drunk I bumped into someone or that someone bumped into me ugh my head is spinning.

"Ash why are you so drunk when you know you can't handle it" he scolded me oh its Kevin.

"You are drunk too and you are not my mom to scold me Mr" I said pointing a finger at him "Leave my way I want to enjoy the party" I added.

"I'm not drunk as much as you and I can handle it. And the party is over come I'll help you to your room" he said taking me to my room.

"Here's your gift even though you are not in your sense right now but still I'll give it now only" he said giving me a pendent with bff written on it I loved it it was so beautiful aww he's so nice I looked at him as he did the same and without thinking much I landed my lips on his softly kissing him but I pulled away when he didn't kiss me back I felt rejected my eyes got moist and I looked down feeling embarrassed.

"Am I really so ugly that you don't even want to kiss me" I said.

He didn't say anything just sealed his lips with mine and the next thing I knew is we both were on the bed.

It just feels so right.


So here is my second story.
I hope you'll like it (fingers crossed).

Thanks for reading.
Please vote and comment it means a lot.

And do check out my other story (Loving the Indian girl) if interested.

Bye for now :)

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