Chapter 29: Warning

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Kevin's POV

It's been a few days since that dinner at Ashley's parents place. Nothing much eventful happened that night, nothing that I should be worried about.

Everything seemed quite normal, except the conversation I had with Kelly before leaving.

I just couldn't stop thinking about it. The look she had on her face every time she saw me and than why the hell was she talking about me to her boyfriend...well I never knew she had one but whatever that's not the point.

But she did gave me a reason of why she was talking to her boyfriend about me and honestly the reason didn't seem odd or weird to me because when you are worried about something or someone you talk about it with your closed ones right.

But yet there's this nagging feeling in my head that's telling me that there's something more to it. Something that I need to know. I don't know why but I feel like she was lying.

Or maybe I'm just overthinking.

I sighed shaking my head before pulling my phone out of my pocket and going through the pictures in my gallery before stopping on one particular picture.

"See this is the effect of you leaving me, I'm becoming so paranoid about everything and everyone" I murmured to myself with a dry chuckle.

"Good night love" I whispered before keeping my phone aside and retired off to sleep.

But just when I was about to fall asleep a thought crossed my head. And this one particular thought was enough to awaken me fully.


How can I be so stupid.

Why didn't I thought about it before.

What if Kelly was talking to Ashley that night and not her boyfriend.

Is that even possible...I mean she left all of us like she never even existed, she just disappeared than is it possible that Kelly is still in touch with her.


Of course Kelly knows where Ashley is, after all they both are cousins and were also close to each other.

God! Why do I become so damn stupid when it comes to love. I mean why didn't I thought about this before...all these four months I cut all ties with my family and just concentrated on business and finding Ash but how can I not think about this possibility that it could be someone from my own family or friends that knew something about her. I face palmed myself before throwing away the duvet that was covering me because I could no longer sleep now and also I would go mad thinking if I waited for the sun to rise.

I quickly took my car keys and phone before dashing out of my house as I couldn't wait till the morning to find out if Kelly really knew something about Ashley's whereabouts or not. I just don't care if she's asleep or something at this moment.

I just need the truth and now I'll find it out myself.

I reached at Kelly's place much sooner than I expected, of course it's night time so there was no traffic to which I'm really thankful because I'm growing more and more impatient by each passing minute.

I pressed the door bell standing in front of her house hoping that her parents were not home though they knew me well but still I didn't want to give them some wrong impression as to why I'm visiting their daughter so late in the night.

And thankfully it was Kelly who opened the door as I just glared at her before walking in before she could even invite me inside.

"Well hello to you too" She said sarcastically before closing the door and turning around to look at me.

"Now that you have invited yourself in my own house why don't you come straight to the point and tell me why are you here" She asked folding her hands, clearly I have disturbed her sleep that's why she's so grumpy but anyways I don't care.

"Where is she" I asked calmly as her bored expressions quickly changed and now it looked like she was fully awake.

"Who..." She tried to speak as I interrupted her.

"Ashley" I snapped as she chuckled awkwardly.

"...What? How would I know where she is" She replied after a moment.

"Don't you even dare to play dumm with me Kelly" I said with my hands tucked in my pockets.

"It's late Kevin I think you should leave" She replied ignoring my question.

"Just tell me where she is and I'll leave and be fast my time is precious" I said trying to hold back my frustration.

"Honestly I don't know anything about her whereabouts Kevin so just leave right now. My parents will be home soon, I don't want them to boomerang me with their questions" She replied glaring.

"Kelly I know that you definitely know something about her so just speak's very important to me" I said sighing.

"Listen, I know that you weren't talking to your boyfriend that was her right" I asked as she just looked at me without saying a word.

"H-How is she? Is she even fine? Look I..." I added but just trailed off because suddenly I felt like if I talk any further I would break down because I'm...I'm just tired of these things...tired of living in this oblivion...tired of this helplessness that I keep feeling all the damn time.

But I don't want to break down in front of her or even anyone else because if I do, people will pity me and I'm Kevin Diaz I don't need anyone's pity.

Snapping out of my misery I glanced back at Kelly who just sighed and just when it seemed like she was about to say something the doorbell rang and I cursed in my head because I knew who it would be...her parents maybe as she said a while ago that they'll be home soon.

Kelly opened the door and I was right it's her parents, I mentally prepared myself for their questions and even sympathy talks as they walked in.

"Kevin, what are you doing here at this time" Her dad, Mr. Williams asked surprised to see me.

"Dad, actually Kevin is in a hurry..." Kelly quickly answered before I could even say anything but she was interrupted by her mother.

"Oh Kevin dear I was so shocked to hear about Ashley and also your baby. I feel so..." Mrs. Williams spoke.

"Mom!" Kelly interrupted.

"You should leave" she added turning towards me and for a fleeting moment I saw a softness and pity in her eyes for me and that suddenly angered me because as I said before I don't need anyone's pity. I just need answers and I'll get them anyhow.

"Yeah I guess I should leave...for now but tomorrow morning I want you in my office and this time I expect some answers from you..." I said or more like ordered though in a low voice so only she could hear.

"And if I don't get what I want I won't hesitate to destroy you and your little happy family and you know I can do that. So just try and don't get in my bad books" I warned her as she looked a little taken aback and with all that being said I walked out.

I have wasted enough time by depending upon other people to help me find her but now it's enough. Actually it just never occurred to me that someone from my own friend circle would know her whereabouts but now I won't even waste a second more. I will find her out by any means and will bring her back to where she belongs.

I'll find you baby.

Soon...very soon.


Hey lovely people, 

I'm back...finally got done with my exams!!


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Until next time.


Crystal ❤️

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