Chapter 14: Bipolar

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Ashley's POV

"You are really funny" I said laughing at something Tyler said.

He seems a nice and friendly guy.

"And you are really beautiful" he replied placing a kiss on the back of my hand as we walked side by side.

We were just taking a walk in the backyard of Tyler's house and he was saying something when my phone vibrated showing the arrival of a new message.

I'm leaving, you are coming or not?...Or maybe you should just stay for a little while more because clearly you have got yourself a new friend.

I frowned at his choice of words.


I texted him back.

"Tyler it's late I think I should leave" I said.

"Okay uh...I can drop you at your place" he offered hesitantly.

"No thank you, good night" I declined politely somehow guessing that Kevin probably won't like me going back home with Tyler instead of him.

"Good night, I hope to see you again" he replied as we walked back to the party and he went to his friends after saying good bye as I headed to search for Kevin.

The ride back home was silent maybe because non of us had nothing to say. He seems upset about something. I wanted to ask him about his rude text but then I just dropped the idea because I was too tired to argue.

The next morning when I woke up I saw him getting ready for work. I yawned rubbing my eyes.

"Good morning sleepy head" he said fixing his tie.

I think he's kind of bipolar or something because just last night he was being all rude and now here he is being all sweet sweet.

"Morning" I replied "What's the time" I murmured almost to myself reaching for my phone on the nightstand to check the time.

"Oh God Kelly's gonna kill me" I spoke my thoughts out loud while getting out of the bed and rushing to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

It's almost ten and she asked me to meet her at nine.

"Slow down what's wrong" he asked as I passed by him.

"Nothing I'm just late" I replied.

When I came back the room was empty which means Kevin was gone. I walked downstairs quickly after getting ready.

"Okay now tell me why did you call me this early in the morning" I asked as we sat in a cafe.

"It's not early, you are just getting too lazy Mrs. Diaz" she replied with a teasing smile.

"Don't call me that and I'm not lazy or maybe I'm a little bit but that's not the point the point is why did you call me" I asked irritated hearing her calling me Mrs. Diaz.

I'm still not habitual to this new name and even this new life.

"Nothing I just wanted to know what happened last night, I mean at the party" she replied and I gave her a look like seriously she called me just to know that.

She really has no work to do.

But anyways I started telling her everything without leaving any details because she already warned me not to.

"Okay maybe he was jealous" she said thoughtfully after hearing everything.

"Why would he be jealous Kelly" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Because he feels something for you stupid" she replied like stating the obvious.

"No he doesn't we are just friends" I said stubbornly.

"Okay so let me remind you about that night because of which you married him, you were drunk but he was not, he could have stopped everything but he didn't and now he feels bad seeing you with someone else. You both are just confused, you both have been hiding your feelings under the name of friendship for years" she replied "You both had some time together to come closer and sort your own feelings but your idiot workaholic husband ruined it by coming back too early from the honeymoon" she added.

"You know I saw him with Melina in the bar on the first night of our honeymoon, they just hugged and talked and I know I'm overreacting but still there was a little feeling inside me telling me that maybe there's something more between them after all they once dated eachother and here you say that he has feelings for me" I said remembering that night.

"Oh come on we all know Melina is a bitch she's not good for Kevin and anyways you are his wife while she's nothing but past" she replied "And just think about it you felt bad seeing Melina with him and he was somewhat mad at you because of Tyler...if that's not jealousy then what is it" she added.

"Shut up with the jealousy thing" I replied not knowing what else to say about it, okay lets agree for a second that maybe I was jealous but if I think that Kevin was too...then I'm definitely wrong.

"It's not about what's good for him or not it's about what he wants and we end this topic right here before you again try to make me believe that I'm in love with him" I added knowing she was not going to give up.

"Okay, so how are you handling this whole pregnancy thing" she asked changing the topic to which I'm glad to. And like that we talked for hours.

After saying good bye to her I went to my mom's place and spent some time with her as I didn't see her after I returned from our so called honeymoon.

When I returned back home I saw the maids packing up my stuff in some boxes.

"What's going on" I asked one of them.

"Sir asked us to pack your things" the maid replied.


"Kevin" I called out walking downstairs as I saw him entering the living room.

"Yes" he replied with his attention on his phone.

"What's going on why are the maids packing my things" I asked.

"Not only your things but mine too, we are moving" he replied looking up from his phone.

"What! but why and you didn't even feel that it's important to tell me" I said surprised by the sudden news.

"I know I should have told you but I forgot, actually I was going to move out right after returning from New York because this place is far from my office but then we both got busy with our marriage and all" he replied "I'm sorry" he added walking to me and cupping my cheeks.

"It's okay" I said plainly before walking away, back to my room.

He should have told me earlier but he didn't, he forgot I mean how can someone forget something so important.

This thing only proves how much importance I hold in his life.


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Until next time.

With lots of love.

Crystal :)

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