Chapter 16: Time flies

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Ashley's POV

I smiled as I saw my little baby boy walking towards me with his whole tiny palm wrapped around his father's finger.

He looks much like his father then little mini Kevin, my smile got even wider at the thought as Kevin reached me snaking his arms around my waist casually giving me a quick soft kiss as my cheeks heated up at his actions in front of our son.

He is barely three he shouldn't be seeing his mommy and daddy romancing around.

"So you enjoyed playing with your daddy" I asked picking my boy in my arms as he started to blabber about what he and his daddy did as the three of us walked back to our house leaving the backyard.

But suddenly there was a flash that almost blinded my eyes for a moment but somehow I opened them again only to find myself standing all alone in the middle of nowhere.

Where's my baby...where's Kevin?

Oh my god! did something bad happened to them?

Soon my vision became blurry as tears formed in my eyes.

"Kevin...Chase...Kevin...Kevin" I shouted at the top of my voice but got no response.

"No" I yelled as I woke up from the dream sweating again, I looked around to see that it's still dark and I'm on my bed.

I have lost counts of how many times I have seen the same dream in the last four always starts as a beautiful dream but in the end it turns out to be a nightmare.

A nightmare that has turned into the reality of my life.

How come my beautiful life turned into this horrible nightmare.

It's been four months but why can't I just forget him, why does he keeps invading my dreams...why can't I just forget the moments I spent with him.

Why is it so hard?

Because you still love him no matter what, a small voice in my head spoke.

"No no I don't" I yelled at myself.

...Or do I?

The thought kept roaming in my head as I couldn't go back to sleep anymore and unwillingly my thoughts slipped to the time when I was still with him.

Four months back.

"Ben got engaged...we are celebrating tonight, you wanna come with me" I heard Kevin's voice as I was just playing with my food not really in the mood to eat anything as we sat together having breakfast.

"Back to earth Ash" he added sipping his black coffee as I snapped out of my trance.

I don't get it why he likes that awful thing so much. I'm talking about the black coffee...I mean it tastes so bad and bitter.


"Actually you shouldn't come, you'll get bored" he spoke again when I was about to reply him.

"Anyways I can't come even if I wanted to because Kelly is coming over this evening, we are just going to hang out or should I say she's forcing me to" I replied rolling my eyes at my last words.

She called last night saying that it's been so long since we had a little girls time and I had to remind her that it was actually two days ago we met.

But alas she being she, won't listen to me and so I have to get my lazy self out of this house today.

"Okay and yeah I'll be late tonight" again his voice pulled me out of my thoughts as I saw him walking out of the dining room.

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