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Kevin's POV

"So now I would like to invite Mrs. Ashley Kevin Diaz, the creator and founder of our new beauty brand, to answer any of your questions related to April's" The ginger coloured hair girl, Ashley's assistant spoke before backing away to let Ash come forward and speak. 

I squeezed Ashley's hand a little giving her assurance that it'll be fine as she sighed before finally looking at me and I could tell that she was nervous.

"I love you. And you'll be just go...everyone's waiting for you" I whispered before pecking her lips as she smiled at me before walking towards the mic.

"Good evening everybody...first of all thank you for coming..." She paused looking down for a second before looking back up again towards the media and their cameras which were recording her every move.

"Today is a really special day for me...not just because today I have launched my own beauty brand or because today I have fulfilled my dream...but because today I have fulfilled someone else's dream..." She paused again glancing back at me for a moment and I knew exactly what she meant by that.

She meant that she has fulfilled my dream...which was for her to do whatever she likes...whatever makes her happy.

"Anyways I can go all evening doing the 'emotional talk' so I'll just stop here and let you guys ask away whatever you want" She added as a couple of chuckles rolled around the conference room.

"So Mrs. Diaz I do have a few questions related to 'April's' but first I would like to ask who were you talking about...who's dream have you fulfilled today" A female journalist who seemed to be in her late twenties asked.

"No personal questions please" Jimmy, a member of Ashley's public relations team said. Jimmy is about twenty or twenty one I guess and he's still in college and is doing his internship with Ashley's public relations team.

I swear to god that guy is just beyond irritating.

I don't like him at all.

Are you sure you don't like him because he's irritating or you don't like him just because he has a huge crush on your wife, my subconscious spoke.

No not at all. My disliking towards him has nothing to do with the fact that he has a crush on my wife. I mean he hasn't done or said anything about liking her but it's just clearly evident to me...I mean you know I can just tell it.

Oh whom are you fooling. Of course it has everything to do with Ash, my subconscious replied to which I just controlled the urge to roll my eyes because I don't want to get clicked by the paparazzi while rolling my eyes for no reason.

As you know media can really be a bitch sometimes...all they do is wait to create rumours and maybe if they did get a picture of me rolling my eyes while I'm sitting here, they'll circulate it in their every paper, magazines and news channels with the headline that 'Kevin Diaz caught rolling his eyes on the launch of his wife's new beauty brand. Is he not happy about her success?'.

I couldn't help but mentally chuckle at my own thoughts, but they are totally correct...these people can spread any kind of fake news these days.

But coming back to Jimmy, I know he's harmless or else I would have taken care of him long back.

"No Jim it's fine" I snapped out of my thoughts hearing Ashley's voice.


I almost laughed recalling the story behind that nickname. I once asked Ash casually as to why she calls him Jim when his name is Jimmy and she replied chuckling that the name Jimmy reminds her of the dog from our neighborhood who made her run for almost a mile when she was six and I laughed so hard recalling that memory from our childhood.

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