Chapter 25: Our little one

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Ashley's POV

I opened my eyes on feeling the warm sun rays hitting on my face through the small gaps between the curtains illuminating the darkness of the previous night.

I yawned still feeling a little sleepy and rubbed my eyes lazily before glancing beside me only to find Kevin's side of the bed empty which makes me wonder...where is he?

It's sunday so he has not left for work that I'm sure about.

But on the mention of Kevin that night's memories which took place a few days ago came flooding back to my mind. I tried to make things less awkward between us as we decided but yet again I just can't help the blush that crepts up on my cheeks whenever I see him, its like I start to re-live those moments.

And the smirk that he gives me whenever I blush and the fact that he knows what's the reason of my blushing and all makes the pink blush on my cheeks even darker.

Okay I know I'm acting like a teenage girl who has fallen in love for the first time...but actually it's true except that I'm not a teenager anymore but apart from that Kevin is my first in everything...he is the first friend I ever made, he is my first kiss, he is my first...ahem anyways.

And he might also be my first love I mean I'm so confused with my own feelings right now, I have never been in love before so how am I supposed to exactly know that this is love...that this is what people keep going on and on about.

But one thing I'm sure about is that I do feel something for him, all I need to do is figure out what these new feelings are.

But anyways back to the topic that I keep blushing like a it's not like I'm uncomfortable around him or something it's just that maybe I need some time to get used to the thought that I actually feel something for him...for the guy who is my best friend...whom I have known for like my entire life, a kind of attraction that drives me to him every time I try to keep a distance between us, somehow something happens that always puts us back together in the end.

Things are changing, in ways I never imagined they would but now I'm not going to resist anything, now I'm just going to sit and watch what our destiny holds for us and where it's planning to take us.

Because one thing I have learned since my birthday night is that we can't always control our lifes no matter how much we try matter what we have planned for ourselves, our destiny always holds something else and much better for us. So we should just rather live in the moment and enjoy ourselves making those unforgettable memories that we might remember in the future...some with a smile and maybe some with teary eyes.

After all that's what we have in the end when we grow old...memories...some good, some amazingly good and some not so good.

And by not so good memory a name pops up in my head.


I felt bad for him that night because he is not a bad person after all and also we became good friends, he was totally unaware that I was married and I didn't even got a chance to explain why I lied. I haven't talked to him ever since and neither did he call.

Anyways as it's been one and a half month since we got married well almost two months so finally it's the day I have been waiting first ultrasound, today I'll get to see my baby for the first time.

I'm quite excited for it but I don't know about Kevin because I don't even know where he is right now...probably downstairs?

"Ash are you up or not? Don't tell me that you forgot about our appointment with your doctor today" I heard his distant voice coming from downstairs. He sounded just like my mom when she used to scold me for waking up late, I chuckled at the thought.

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