Chapter 4: Pregnant

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Kevin's POV

It's been almost seven weeks since I came to New York and I have finally got the deal which I came here for and I'll go back to home tonight.

In these past days I thought of calling Ash and clearing things between us but work kept me busy. But when I'll return the first thing I'll do is talk to her by now her anger must have vanished I know her well she'll be angry for few days on things that didn't go how she wanted them and then suddenly she'll act like it never happened, she's always like this since childhood.

I smiled thinking about her, finally I'll get to meet her again I snapped out when my phone rang it's Emily Ash's mom I received it.

"Kevin your dad told me that you got that deal for which you went to New York" I heard her cheerful voice from the other side.

"Yeah I got it and I'll be back By tomorrow morning" I replied.

"Great, don't make any plans for tomorrow night because you'll have dinner with us and I have invited your dad too. Actually we are going to talk with Ashley about something important so as you are her friend I want you there too" she said making me think of what's the important thing they want to talk about.

"Okay I'll be there" I replied and soon we hanged up.

But the phone call left me thinking what do they want to talk about.

"Well you'll get to know that tomorrow" I whispered to myself.


Ashley's POV

"Ashley where are you going" I heard my mom's voice from the dining room as I was about to go out of the house.

"I'm going shopping with Kelly and then maybe I'll stay at her place tonight" I said as I entered the dining room and I kissed my dad's cheek saying "Good morning".

"Good morning Princess" he replied while drinking his coffee.

"No, today I have invited Kevin and Matthew to dinner so don't go anywhere okay" mom said strictly as I sat on one of the chairs.

"Kevin is back" I asked with surprise.

"Yeah he came this morning" dad replied.

I didn't knew he's back. Speaking of Kevin, I have decided to forget that night and be friend with him again. In fact I have really missed him and he didn't even called me once huh arrogant monkey.

"Bye mom, dad" I said as I remembered that Kelly must be waiting for me.

"But atleast have breakfast then you can go" mom said passing me the plate filled scrambled eggs.

"Ugh no I'm leaving" I replied as the eggs smell hit my nose making me feel that I'll puke any second and I quickly kept my palm on my nose to block the smell and made my way out. Once I used to love eggs but now a days don't know what's wrong with me.

"What happened to her" I heard dad's faint voice ask mom as I got out of the house and took a deep breath.

"Get in the car" Kelly said and I got in her car.

"I told you that I'll come to pick you then why did you came here" I said as she drove the car towards wherever we are going.

"Oh now I can't even come to my little sister's house" she replied with fake hurt look.

"Where are we going by the way" I asked.

"I think first we should go to eat something because I didn't had breakfast and then shopping" she replied.

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