Chapter 30: True colours

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Kevin's POV

My eyes kept traveling from my wrist watch to the presentation screen and the guy who was giving the presentation. It's been almost an hour since I'm sitting in this meeting room attending the meeting that I have been dodging for a couple of days now but it's quite important so here I'm trying to get it done but yet I just can't focus on it because I have to meet Kelly after this meeting. She called my assistant early in the morning asking her when she can meet me and I called her by twelve.

Though I don't understand what was the need for her to call my assistant and make an appointment with me when it was me only who asked or rather should I say ordered her to be in my office this morning.

"Mr. Diaz are you okay" The middle aged man sitting next to me asked as I snapped out of my thoughts only to realize that each and everyone in the room was looking at me waiting for my answer.

"Yeah I'm fine. Please continue" I replied as the meeting continued for another fifteen minutes.

"Mr. Diaz, Ms. Kelly is here to see you" Jenny, my assistant said standing by the glass door.

"Okay let her in" I replied with a nod.

"Sure" She said walking out as after a moment I heard a knock on my door again.

"Come in" I said with a smirk because I knew she would come.

"Please be seated and tell me what I want to know" I added as the clicking of her heels broke the silence between us as she walked and sat on the chair right in front of me.

"What do you want to know Kevin" she asked acting oblivious.

"Just cut the crap. You know very well what I want, we talked last night. Tell me did she say anything before leaving and where is she right now" I asked irritated.

"Exactly we talked last night, I remember. You want let's talk about what I want" she replied walking towards me as I looked at her confused.

What would she probably want from me?

"What do..." I spoke when she got too close to me for my comfort but she interrupted me.

"Why do you want her back Kevin, she's gone...just let her go" She said before rolling her eyes and moving back a little noticing my discomfort.

"It's been months, what's so special about her that you still can't get over her and move on...what's in her that's not in me" She added trailing her index finger down my arm as I glared at her and got up from my chair lightly pushing her backwards.

"Look Kelly I don't have time for your nonsense so let's just get to the point. Tell me whatever you know or else you can just get out of my office right now" I said looking at her as she stood leaning against the table.

"Kevin just forget her, I don't understand why do you even want her now I mean yeah we all know why you guys got was just for your baby and I guess it was a right decision but as we all also know that she had a miscarriage so why are you still running after her. After all she was nothing but a pathetic girl who's world revolved around you and only you since childhood" she replied as I just stood there looking at her still confused, wondering why was she talking like that about her own sister.

"And you know what, I think that she was in love with you and that's the most funniest truth of her life...wait actually no, the more funnier part is that she thought that you will love her back" she added laughing.

"Oh I pity her I mean how can she even think that she had a chance with you...with Kevin Diaz who can get any top model...any girl he wanted by his side" she paused trying to hold her laugh than sighed and continued "Ashley Lewis lived in her own little world but I'm glad that she came back to reality soon after losing her baby...the reality that you wouldn't want anything to do with her after the sole reason of your marriage was gone".

"And however I'm kind of happy that she had a miscarriage at least..." she went on speaking and until now I was just standing and listening to her in some kind of trance because I have never seen her talking about Ash with so much hatred but when she spoke about my child that's when I lost it and snapped out of my confused state and interrupted her.

"Enough" I said as my voice came out much louder than I intended it to be.

I don't give a damn if I'm being rude or anything.

"I have had enough of your nonsense. One more word against my wife and child and I'll have the security throw you it's better if you get out on your own" I added turning towards the window because I don't know what else I would have said or done if I looked at her disgusting face again and also I didn't wanted to do anything that Ash will be upset about when we meet again...after all Kelly is still her sister.

"Come on Kevin there's nothing to be so mad about" she said as I sensed her walking towards me.

I sighed and turned around to tell her to get lost only to see her standing too close to me for my comfort once again and it seemed like she was about to kiss me when she leaned a little more towards me and that was when it hit me as to why she's doing all this.

"Now I get I get it why you were talking shit about Ash. You are jealous of her, aren't you" I asked pushing her away harshly.

"You have always been jealous of the relation Ash and I shared...of the thing we had. But why? You wanted to be in her place? Is that the reason why you came here and tried to seduce me?" I added and than laughed shaking my head.

"If what I have guessed is true than I suggest you get out of my office right now before I forget all my manners and throw you out myself" I said calmly after a moment of silence as she looked at me for a second before grabbing her handbag from the table and walking towards the door.

"But you know what you are right Ashley really was stupid...stupid for trusting and loving you and I also considered you as my sister and a good friend but I guess some people just don't deserve anything" I spoke as she stopped in her tracks but didn't turn around.

"And I also don't know what lies you are feeding her that after leaving all of us behind she's still in touch with you but anyways whenever you talk to her again just tell her that I'm coming for her...soon" I added.

"I really wasn't talking to her that night" she replied with a serious face turning around this time.

"Well that's not very hard to believe now considering whatever you said earlier and how much you hate get lost" I said harshly as she walked out but not before throwing an angry glare at me.

I sighed.

Later that night as I sat alone in my room going through some emails on my laptop, though I could barely concentrate on anything since this morning. All I could think about was whatever Kelly told me today.

I don't believe it, how can she betray her own sister like shit about her and try to break her already unstable and almost broken marriage.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the door bell ring serval times. I kept my laptop aside and quickly walked downstairs wondering who it could be at this time.

I opened the door only to see the most unexpected person standing outside my house in this dark and quiet night.


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Crystal ❤️

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