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Kevin's POV

"One, two, three" I counted before splashing the warm water all over the cute little bundle of joy standing in the bathtub while holding the edges of it for support, as the sound of her giggles filled the bathroom...blessing my ears.

"You have no idea how much I love that sound" I murmured to myself staring at the cute little face of my daughter.

"I know you didn't get a thing of what I just said" I added as I saw her making faces at me before trying to reach my face...to get to my head and pull my hair.

It's her habit now though I don't understand why she does that. It's like she's obsessed with my hair but anyways babies can be weird sometimes.

"Okay now time to get out of the water before you catch cold and we don't want that to happen because as we both know your mamma will kill me for that" I said and as I was about to pull my little girl out of the tub a voice from behind us interrupted me.

"No no what's the rush, just let her stay in the water for the entire day" Ash said as I turned towards her with a silly smile on my face.

"Oh so you are home already" I murmured.

"Oh yeah I'm home" She replied with her hands folded.

"Come on Ash now don't give me that look...it's not even been that long..." I said shrugging as she interrupted me.

"Not that long? It's been almost two hours since I left and when I left, you were giving her a bath and now that I'm back, you both are still where I left you guys" She replied narrowing her beautiful eyes at me.

"Babe you know her right she just loves playing in the water and when I tried to get her out of the tub she made that crying face and was about to cry and you know I can see everything but not my little angel crying" I said the last words looking at April before placing a soft kiss on her forehead as she was just staring at both of our faces...confused.

"Can you pass me that towel" I said and soon received the towel flying on my face.

Something is wrong. She seems to be in a bad mood...she was fine when she left this morning to see Kelly then what happened now. Anyways I'll talk to her later about it. I hope everything's fine though.

"Come here my little lady" I murmured while getting April out of the tub who seemed bored and sleepy now. It's her routine...after I or Ash give her a bath she sleeps like she has no worries in the world.

Come on Kevin of course she has no worries because what worries could a one year old baby probably have, I said to myself in my head.

"And I'll make sure that you don't have any worries even when you grow up...I promise" I whispered caressing April's cheek as she rested her head on my shoulder, her little hazel eyes just like her mamma's almost shutting down but before that she gave me a cute little smile as if she understood each and every word that I said.

After changing April into some comfortable clothes and tucking her into the warm quilt, I got ready to leave for work quickly.

Kelly called Ash early in the morning to meet her urgently and she couldn't say no, so someone had to stay with April so that's why I had to postpone an important meeting which I had this morning to the afternoon but now I think I'm gonna get late for that too.

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