Chapter 35: Tangled

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Ashley's POV

"Tyler" I said as I opened the door only to see him standing on the porch with a concerned look on his face.

"Is everything alright...what are you doing here" I asked as he walked in.

"Yeah that's what I want to ask everything alright you sounded a little worried when I called you this afternoon that's why I came to check on you" He replied making me roll my eyes.

"I'm fine Tyler you didn't need to come here" I said getting back on the couch.

"Okay enough now tell me what is it" He asked sitting beside me.

"Kevin" I mumbled subconsciously.

"What" He asked.

"Yeah you heard it right...he found me...he's here" I replied.

"How and did he found out that you..." He asked as I interrupted him.

"Of course he did. What do you think he won't know that I lied about the miscarriage after seeing me with this football belly" I said as if stating the obvious and told him everything that happened at the hospital today.

"Although I wonder if he already knew about it and that's why he came after me...for the baby" I added almost to myself as fear gripped my heart and my hand instantly went down on my baby bump.

"You don't worry about all that. I can stick around for a few days if you want" He offered.

"No I don't think that'll be needed" I declined politely.

"Okay than...if anything happens just give me a call and I'll be here for you okay" He said with a warm smile as I just nodded although I'm not sure if I want to drag him into all of this or not...considering that he and Kevin don't look eye to eye.

I can tell that Kevin hates him.

"Thanks for always helping me" I said smiling.

"Anytime. Now will you tell me what's your reason for running away from him because the last time I saw you two together he was going all possessive over you and also you looked pretty much in love with what happened that led you both to this separation" He asked again, the question that I have been avoiding since months.

"Okay it's fine if you still don't want to tell me" He added sensing that I don't want to talk about it.

"And by the way I should get going now I came here last night just for a meeting and that's done this morning so I was heading back home but your phone call had me worried that's why I just stopped by to check on you but now I'm in a rush, I need to head take care okay" He said giving me a side hug saying goodbye before seeing himself out leaving me in my own tangled thoughts.


Few minutes back.

Kevin's POV

"Kevin" She said in a barely audible voice.

None of us spoke for a while, all we both did was stare at each other and as soon as our eyes met she looked away breaking our eye contact.

And that made me laugh.

"Oh I'm just thrilled that you still remember my name" I said sensing her confusion.

"What was so funny about it" I heard her mumble.

"Oh come on it was a little funny, wasn't it? After all you still remember my name even after the way you ran out of my life or should I say even after the way you threw me out of your life" I said bitterly as she avoided looking at me.

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