Chapter 32: Meeting the lost love

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Kevin's POV

"It's's all over. I guess we both were just too wrong for each other" I whispered to myself.

"No Kevin, you can't just give up on your love. Ashley gave up and left but I should have convinced her to stay and at least confront you but I didn't and that was my mistake. But I won't repeat the same mistake once again" Kelly said determined as I shook my head in denial. 

"Look, you both are childhood friends or maybe inseparable is the proper term to describe your relation with her. You guys found love in each other very easily...whereas some people just don't find love at all. You have got the chance to love and to be loved so don't lose this chance. Yes, there are misunderstandings between you two but that doesn't mean that you should just give up without even trying. In every relationship there's a wise person, be that wise person and make a wise decision...if not for love than for friendship. Love and friendship are two purest and powerful emotions and you guys are fortunate enough to have just go and get your girl back" She added smiling by the last part.

I feel like she's right, after all I'm not the person to give up so easily...I'm not the person to let go someone who is meant to be mine.

Maybe I was just too overwhelmed to think think that it's all over between us.

But it's not.

I can't give up on my love.

"I think you are right" I said after a moment.

"Yeah, I'm always right" She replied chuckling.

"Kelly, thank you for telling me everything...I know I was mad few minutes ago but now I get it. You had your own reasons for doing what you did and also I'm sorry for insulting you..." I said as she interrupted me.

"You don't have to say sorry because like you said I had my own reasons and likewise you had your own reasons too for insulting me and for almost throwing me out of your office" She said laughing as I chuckled.

"It feels like it's been such a long day" I mumbled almost to myself.

"Now tell me. Where is that silly woman" I asked.

"She's in San Francisco...I don't know where exactly though" She replied sheepishly.

"What? She's in San Francisco? Then why were my men not able to find her I mean it should have been a lot more easier considering that she just changed city" I said confused.

"Well maybe she had some help" I heard Kelly murmur.

I just choose to ignore it because it doesn't matter now that why I wasn't able to find her.

What matters is that now I at least know where she is.

"Anyways. What do you mean by you don't know where exactly she is...I mean San Francisco is not a small city after all" I said.

"Kevin, actually she never told me her exact address...I haven't met her in these four months. The day she left was the last time I saw her. We just talked on phone, she said that she wanted to maintain a distance with her past for a while...she said that she needed time and I respected her wish" She replied shrugging.

"Anyways. I think I should leave now" She added.

"Yeah I guess you should" I nodded.

"So when are you leaving" She asked as she stood up ready to leave.

"I could have left right now but I think it's better to wait till the morning" I replied making her chuckle.

"I really hope and wish that you do find her and when you come are not alone" She said before taking her leave as I offered to drop her off since it's quite late but she declined saying that she came here in her car.

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