Chapter 34: Chattering mind

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Ashley's POV

As I stood on the porch in front of my house my fingers shivered around the keys as I tried to unlock the main door to my house.

"Damn" I cursed as I failed to get the right key into the hole yet again because of my shivering hands.

I sighed in relief once I was finally able to get inside.

Though I don't know why I'm acting like he is following me or something.

Oh god I can be so paranoid sometimes, I thought.

"Calm down calm down" I took a deep breath while constantly repeating the same words to myself which I have been saying since the minute I saw him again.

"Calm down, it's not good for the baby" I whispered again while leaning back against the door with my palm gently stroking my now very much noticeable baby bump.


What is he doing here.

7.7 billion people in the world and from all those people I had to run into him only.

I gulped the entire glass of cold water down my throat before making my way out of the kitchen.


What does he wants now?

I huffed out an exhausted sigh before sitting down on the couch probably looking like a big whale but I didn't care about anything right now as all I could think about was him.

And as much as I hate to admit it to myself I was also thinking about how good he looked in his casual black t-shirt this afternoon.

After all black does suits the colour was made just for him.

I scowled at the thought as I slipped into our unexpected meeting today at the hospital.


I met him.


"The baby's heartbeat is quite strong. But as we know that you had to rush to the hospital last month due to high blood pressure and it can cause some serious complications during your labour so you just need see that your blood pressure is always under control...don't stress yourself too much okay. Other than that everything else seems pretty much fine" Dr. Camilla said with a smile on her face as always.

The corner of my lips twitched up into a wholehearted smile as I heard my baby's heartbeat and her saying that my baby is doing perfectly fine but that smile didn't last too long as she talked further about the complications that could possibly arise during my labour due to high blood pressure.

What if something happens to my baby. I don't have anyone except this baby to call as my own...I won't be able to live with myself if I lose this baby.

Or what if something happens to me during my labour who will look after my baby...who will take care of him or her.

I huffed out a defeated sigh...only if my family was here with me I wouldn't have to worry so much about all this.

I closed my eyes and shook my head as his smiling face instantly flashed in front of my eyes on the mention of family.

No no no.

He is not my family.

He is nothing to me.

"See this is what I was saying, just stop stressing yourself. Everything will be just fine" Dr. Camilla's voice broke the chain of my thoughts.

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