Chapter 9: The wedding

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Ashley's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I still can't believe I'm getting married today, this week went so fast and now here I'm all ready to become Mrs. Diaz from Ms. Lewis. I'm so nervous about this new life which I'm going to enter soon.

"I'm doing all this for you" I whispered placing my hand on my belly. Although in the start I was not sure if I wanted this baby or not but in these past few days I have bonded with it.

"Come on let's go it's time" I heard Kelly's voice and I turned towards her only to see my dad standing beside her.

"Let's go Princess" dad said, he is looking happy.

I walked down the aisle with my dad and there stood Kevin wearing a black tux staring at me.

Why is he staring at me like that am I looking that bad, I thought nervously.

My dad placed my hand in his saying "Take care of my princess" as Kevin nodded politely in reply with a smile on his lips and soon we said our vows and exchanged the rings.

I never imagined my wedding to be like this I mean everything's perfect my parents are happy and all but of course Kevin doesn't love me and neither I love him. I always wanted to marry the man whom I'll love but this is not how I imagined all this.

But if this is what God has planned for me then okay I'll try everything to make our marriage work for our baby, for us and will always be there with Kevin in bad and good times, I thought to myself looking in Kevin's eyes making a silent promise to be with him forever.

"Now I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" the priest said breaking my trance, oh my god will Kevin really kiss me if he will then it'll be our first kiss well with me being in my senses, Kevin slowly moved towards me and quickly kissed on the corner of my lips and moved back, his lips are so soft.

Shut up Ashley you can't think about him in that way, I scolded and tried to distract myself to block these weird thoughts from entering my head.


Kevin's POV

Later that night after a small wedding reception with only family and close friends we all were sitting together relaxing a bit after everyone left and that's when dad spoke.

"So where are you both planning to go for your honeymoon" he asked as me and Ash stayed quiet exchanging a look with eachother because we haven't thought about this thing yet.

"You both have not planned anything I knew it that's why I have planned a trip to bora bora for you both" he said smiling.

"Wow" Kelly murmured excited.

"Don't get so excited Kelly it's not your honeymoon" aunt Emily said jokingly.

"But dad I don't think that's needed" I said with a shrug.

"Yeah it's not needed" Ash said although she looked a little excited, I think she wants to go on this trip.

"You both are married now although not because of love but now that you two are together then why not try to make this work" aunt Emily spoke.

"Yeah spending some time alone together will help" Kelly said looking at Ash teasingly.

"Okay I don't have a problem with it until Ash doesn't wants to go" I said waiting for Ash's answer.

"No, I'm okay with it" she replied quickly making everyone chuckle including me.

"But first let me talk to your doctor to ask if traveling so much is okay for you" I spoke as everyone nodded in agreement and I excused myself to make the phone call.

After talking to the doctor and making sure everything will be okay I returned back to the living room.

"We'll leave now" uncle James said standing up and so did everyone else.

"Yeah let's go" Ash said suddenly and we all looked at her surprised and especially me.

"Oh I almost forgot that now I'll have to live here" she said realizing what she said as her mom chuckled.

"But mom wait can't I stay at our home for today I mean our mansion is not so far away from this one so it doesn't matter if I stay here or there right" Ash spoke surprising me again as her mom, dad and Kelly were about to leave.

I don't understand what's going on in this girl's head now that she's my wife she should live with me right, wait why is it bothering me anyways, I thought shaking my head.

"No dear it does matters, you are married now you should be living here this is your home now" her mom replied in a soft voice as if speaking to a child.

"And you should rest now take care of yourself and my grandchild okay" she added hugging her and kissing her forehead as her dad did the same before they all left.

"Kevin take Ashley to your room she must be tired" my dad spoke before murmuring a "Good night" to us both and left for his room.

"You don't have any problem with us sleeping on the same bed right" I asked as we entered in my room oh sorry our room.

"I'm too tired to think about all that" she replied looking around.

"Your bags are in the closet if you are looking for them" I said pointing at the walk in closet and she went there closing the door and appeared back after changing her clothes and went straight to the bed.

Soon I changed into my shorts and returned back only to see that Ashley is already in a deep sleep. I walked towards her and kissed her forehead whispering "Good night" and soon I fell asleep too.


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