Chapter 18: Why?

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Kevin's POV

I just don't get it sometimes that why do I feel the way I felt last night when I saw Ash with Tyler, although I trust Ash with my life but I just...I sighed, it's Tyler whom I don't trust.

I feel like he is trying to snatch away something that is mine...something that is really precious to me...something that is really close to my heart or should I be more exact and say someone who is really close to my heart.

And that someone is...Ash.

My Ash.


Why do I keep calling her mine all the time.

Because she is your damn wife...stupid, my subconscious spoke making me frown because I do know that already.

I'm so irritated by my own feelings right now, one second I say that she's just a friend but the other second only when I see her with someone else I feel myself burning with rage.

I just don't get it, what are these slowly growing feelings which are spreading throughout my heart rapidly called, what should I name my possessiveness for her.

Definitely not friendship, my subconscious answered as I rolled my eyes.

But I do agree with my subconscious this time because I have other friends too but I never felt this way for anyone else not even for any of my girlfriends.

Then why you Ash?

Why is it so different with you?

Why do I turn so soft when it comes to you?

What's so special about you?

What's so special about you that I can't help but keep thinking about you even in the times that I don't want to.

What's so special about you that even in the crowd of heart searches just for you.

Why is it that when I see your beautiful smile everyone else just fades away...

I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone tapping on my shoulder.

I looked around only to find myself in my company's meeting room with all the investors and the legal team staring at me weirdly and some with concern.


I don't know what they must be thinking about me right now.

This is so embarrassing, this is what I was talking about...I completely zone out when I think about her these days.

I'm just losing my concentration on everything.

"Sir are you okay or should we wrap up the meeting if you are not feeling well" my secretary who previously tapped on my shoulder bringing me out of my dreamland suggested.

"Yeah sure Mr. Diaz you should go to your wif...I mean home and rest if you are not well" Ben said with a teasing smile which I'm sure only I noticed.

I glared at him.

He is not only my friend but my lawyer too that's why he is attending this meeting.

"No Mr. Ben I'm perfectly fine, we shall carry on with the meeting now" I replied extra sweetly as they all obeyed but again I could hardly concentrate on whatever they were saying.

What are you doing to me Mrs. Diaz?

In the evening I returned home only to find it empty which makes me wonder where is my wife?

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