(WoW) Illidan- The Green Embers

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It was a usual day at Black Temple, Thunder rolled in the sky, the low roar of volcanic eruptions sounded from a far Outlandish volcanic mountain and the arguments of magi could be heard from the lower floors of Black Temple.

"such annoyance..." Illidan muttered to himself, rolled his fiery green eyes that glowed behind a circlet of cloth wrapped around them, as he looked at the map, held down by Skull of Gul'dan.

Illidan stood up from his throne, his raven dark hair sliding down his toned biceps. He strode around the table and inspected the map "Over the past few weeks, the occasional demon invasions has became more than just a troublesome issue... they seem to be spying on us but how... even my trusted magistrates are spying on me... no, none must know of this plan that I am..." his thoughts interrupted by a sudden clashing noise, which seemed to have died out just as he noticed. Illidan knew someone was here, except only him, who had sneaked into his chambers. He slowly reached out for his warglaives and began to move towards the source of the noise, He chants something, as a hovering spell appears on his clawed fingers. He cautiously tries to catch anything roaming around, then he heard a whisper that came from behind him. Without a second thought he hurled the spell, and it hit a tall, slender figure standing ten feet away from him, he almost felt like he's seen that person before but can't seem to place it where.

Without letting his mind wander off, llidan attacks with another fire spell but the figure dodges it and was coming towards him to attack him. Illidan blocked the attack with his warglaive, but the figure didn't stop it tried to attack him again with a bow when it got further from him. Illidan defended himself with his bat like, torn wings as he castes a fire circle to the ground where the robed figure stood. Before he could even move from his place, the figure teleported behind and held a dagger at his neck. Illidan noticed the hand holding the dagger had colored nails, and he recognized her.

"(y/n)!" Illidan said with a smile curling up his thin lips as he grabbed your arm and pulled you against his wide chest, pulling down the hood and revealing your beautiful (e/c) eyes and the playful smile you had given him.

"Just as prepared as ever, my lord" you teased, he rolled his eyes at your teasing as he began to brush his fingers through your (h/c) hair. You tried to fake another attack on him but he grabbed hold of your wrist "do you think, I was born yesterday?" Illidan teased at your failed attempt, his voice deep but gentle on your ears.

"that you certainly weren't..." you muttered as you wrapped your arms around him, embracing him and he rested his gaunt chin on your head, embracing you. Around you he felt peaceful, that he thought he had long forsaken....

(Author's Note)

alright so that's the first chapter, I really was nervous when I wrote this. Let me know your requests and your opinions on this story. Have a great day and thanks for reading this!

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