(Skyrim) Cael- Wolf Of The Reach

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Note: This story is based on a character from Skyrim's Romance mod, it was requested by: eclipsequeen  who showed a lot of love to all the chapters I wrote, from the bottom of my heart I thank you. Enjoy.

After hours of traveling the treacherous Reach with Bishop, (y/n) finally saw small farms, less forests and stone roads leading to Markarth. Reach is feared indeed, small caves that lead to massive dwarven ruins, countless Forsworn camps spread around this part of Skyrim and their occasional raids.
"Beware these forsworn shamans, princess. They might cut off your pretty legs and keep it for themselves" Bishop laughed as (y/n) just rolled her eyes at his teasing.
"Hey, you think that's the city?" You asked looking at a towering stone fort with golden roof peeking from the mist.
"No doubt in that" Bishop replied with his usual bored expression.

After traveling for more than an hour they reach outside the dwarven metal clad gates. As they enter the city, they see a tall man wearing the armor of forsworn with dark war paint smeared in his both eyes, the paint went down his cheeks and near his neck. He had a melancholic expression as he stood in the cage he was locked in, with two guards guarding the cage.
You felt pity, and mesmerized by how he looked, the blond stormy hair, the strong jawline, the muscled biceps that were uncovered by the revealing forsworn armor. Were you supposed to feel that? For a caged prisoner? Perhaps, the fate did have something planned.
"Beautiful lady, lovely sparrow do you have time to talk with an imprisoned man?" The prisoner spoke, a soft and husky voice he had
"Why are you in a cage?" You asked him
"You have such lovely eyes, I can see your soul in them. A dragon spirit, fearsome and mighty..." He replied with grief "Have you come to deliver me to death? Or are you a spirit of the afterlife come to beckon me to heavens?" He sighed, looking at you with his blue eyes
"I am neither, strange your words are not of a man who's sentenced to death" you reply
"At this point, words are all I have dear sparrow... if I could touch your delicate hands and place them on mine. I'm sure they're as soft as the petals of wild flowers that grow in the fields, like the flowers I played as a youth. Such memories of a wonderful place... I'll never see again" he replied, regretting.

After a long conversation you came to know his name was Cael, you decided to save him, you just couldn't leave him to die here for whoever he was. You took out your dagger and wedged it between the locks and thus breaking the door's lock.
"Thank you, kind sparrow" Cael placed a kiss on your forehead as Bishop rolled his eyes "now what are you two gonna do?" Bishop scoffed
Ignoring him, Cael looked at you "if I'd have the honor, I would love to take you to my village beautiful sparrow" Cael asked smiling
"The honor is mine" you replied.

The late afternoon slowly welcomed the evening as the sky turned to hues of red and gold, the clouds looked decorated in gold and the breeze was cooler.
But instead of waiting around the village, you and Cael set out on a hunt.
You hunted small things such as a rabbit, before you saw a sabre cat stalking you from the bushes, perhaps it noticed you too as it leapt towards you but you defended yourself by a shield. The animal fell back but stood up and bared its teeth and attacked you again.
This time, the sabre cat was able to injure your right shoulder and your forearm "agh!.." you screamed in agony but before you realized the sabre cat was dead and you saw Cael running towards you "(y/n)... my sparrow!" He said in horror as he helped you stand up.

"I'm fine Cael, no need... ow!" The two of you sat beside a campfire as Cael tended to your wounds "no you aren't..." he replied as he tied the wound with a linen bandage.
You noticed the same melancholy in his eyes and even anger "what's wrong, Cael?..." you asked him.
"I thought I almost lost you today... the pain of losing you... is yet more painful than cuts from a thousand daggers" Cael said sadly, before you realized, you felt his arms wrapping around your waist and his breath warming your neck
"The pain that cannot be healed, the pain that cannot be forgotten... I beg you my sparrow don't leave my side" Cael whispered as his breath danced through your hair. Cael looked at you, the light of campfire made his eyes appear strong but not happy, like the lamenting howls of wolves.
You were lost in his eyes "Cael... I'm not going anywhere" you answered him, your (e/c) eyes glistening.
Cael slowly chuckled as he gently placed a lasting kiss on your forehead, sending goosebumps on you.
You held his cheek as he looks at you, his eyes lay locked and gentle to yours. Both of you lock eyes with each other, and slowly you place a kiss on his lips.
Cael was surprised for awhile, but slowly he gave in and deepening the kiss. The winds and nature may sing stories of this beautiful love....

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