(Skyrim) Cael- Sparrow's Song

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Requested by: Freyari
Skyrim is a continent that is almost entirely covered in a thick blanket of snow. But excluding some parts of it such as the Rift, Reach and The Whiterun Hold.
However it seems like the snow has finally traveled and covered the green fields of Reach.
Its warm and sunny atmosphere, suddenly surrounded by fog and a bitter cold.
All the forsworn chief wanted was to return to his humble village, sit around the cozy bonfire and sing folk songs with his friends.
That, however, will stay a happy fantasy in his mind right now as there were more pressing matters at hand.
Cael's village was terrorized a few days ago from a bandit raid, thanks to the arrival of an old friend, the raid was easily fended off. But soon after, there have been sightings of an ivory dragon around the mountains of the forsworn village. The dragon would fly above it and sometimes stalk them from afar. And to make it worse, forsworn scouts and warriors began to disappear in the middle of the night.
So, without delaying and risking the villagers' lives, Cael and his old friend (y/n) set out in the search of this dragon.

The search for the dragon had been fruitless, three days had passed since Cael and (y/n) had left the village. Cael was afraid and anxious, presuming that how many warriors had disappeared from his village. Afraid that if the capable fighters disappeared then there will be no one to protect the common people.
"I don't think we can find the dragon like this" Cael finally said as he and (y/n) struggled to build a campfire in this misty evening.
(Y/n) didn't reply to his statement until smoke began to appear on the tinder of the campfire, maybe even she was doubtful of this adventure
"Maybe you are right" she replied "but trying wouldn't hurt now, would it? There is a good chance that we can spot the dragon's lair, and come back later with a bigger force" she looked at Cael
"If it was another situation, I would agree that trying wouldn't hurt... but it is a problem now, sparrow, my forsworn are few and they are in immense danger in that village without me" he said, frustrated and tensed
"Cael, trust your warriors, they won't fail you like this" (y/n) tried to comfort him.
Giving up on the conversation, he minded the campfire again, he thought, maybe she was right. The trust in his warriors that he had was great, he was sure that they wouldn't give up without a fight. But all he had to do was to reach his village in time.
Soon the small embers of the campfire grew into a roaring flame, the twigs and branches began to break, making slight noises that made the atmosphere somewhat soothing.
Cael sat down, relaxing his back on a tree stump, while (y/n) sat behind him on the tree stump, fiddling with a map she bought with her.
Cael still remembers his younger times, when (y/n) and him grew up together as forsworns. Hunting, running through the forests at night, him decorating her long hair with wild flowers in the forests. Until she decided to explore the world when she came of age.
Cael still remembered that how upset he was upon hearing that, he had her with him for his entire life and now suddenly she wanted to leave. The goodbyes she received from Cael wasn't certainly a warm one, he didn't even embrace her before she departed.
"I wouldn't be around here for a long time Cael" she said, standing with him in the precipice of the hill that overlooked their village
"I know, we all need to be strong enough to leave our homes behind and shape our future" Cael replied, in a slight sarcasm
"Indeed" she replied, a little bit of coldness in her voice. The woman stared at him for a while as he stared at the village
"Well... I guess I should go then" she understood that how cold and awkward the situation was becoming, she didn't expect such a cold goodbye from her childhood friend but she understood his grief and anger.
(Y/n) walked away from him, Cael only turned his gaze to her walking away before looking back at the village.
Only after she left, he had begun to feel grief, empty and guilty of not saying a goodbye.

That's how he felt for six years until recently (y/n) returned to the forsworn village, looking like the citizens of Markarth. Being garbed in the finest clothes and all, made her look like an entirely different person.
"I had thought that you wouldn't return from your adventures" Cael finally broke the silence
"Why wouldn't I return? This place is my home and the forsworn my family" she replied, surprised
"I know that you are going to think of me as selfish and cold, but sparrow, I had assumed the worst when you left... I thought you had betrayed us and left to live like the rest of the world... hating the forsworn" he replied guiltily
"That... is quite a bit to take in" she said, laughing slightly
"I apologize... I didn't intend to hurt you" Cael turned his gaze to her and quickly said that
"Aha, no need to apologize... I can understand why you would think of it as such... but to be absolutely honest, the world isn't as bad as you think of it... it is interesting, full of surprises and beautiful" she said smiling
"Is it?" Cael didn't bring up any of the dark aspects of the world outside Reach, he just wanted to talk with a beloved friend who had left years ago "I believe you have plenty of stories to tell, I would love to hear them" he smiled.
(Y/n) giggled and sat down beside him "and sure I do! You wouldn't believe the stuff I have seen out there" she excitedly replied.
And here was his (y/n), happy, talkative and warm, just like the (y/n) who had departed from Reach years ago.
Cael warmly smiled at her as he put his arm around her shoulder, eagerly listening to the story she had to say....

Of Fond Memories [Skyrim and WoW one shots] (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now