(WoW) Jaina- Her Broken Heart

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Requested by: @Cybertron343
The final hours are nearing, they have defeated so many to stand under this icy throne, yet the final attempt of defeating the Lich King still remained. Some anticipated victory, while others anticipated defeat. It was especially difficult for the human mage, even though she knew that he was not the prince she used to know, the prince she cried and laughed with, the prince she so cherished.
"I cannot follow you there, I do not want to... please understand" the human mage Jaina said as all the heroes and soldiers from both factions neared the Frozen Throne. The mage's blue eyes began to glisten with unshed tears as she inspected the icy fractals before they went to the warrior who stood quietly, it was such a depressing moment. The warrior (y/n) could understand the pain that Jaina felt and yet the victory that is to come by after killing her former lover, was needed.
"My lady you do understand that the safety of this world is more important now" (y/n) said gently, he didn't want to hurt anyone especially her but the truth was always painful, even when not intended to.
"I understand" Jaina nodded, toughening her expressions "emotions cannot weaken us, Azeroth demands freedom from the clutches of The Scourge, save our world heroes! Let nothing stop you, may the Light be with you" Jaina replied with bravery in her voice, which might've boosted the other heroes' morals but (y/n) knew that she was hiding so much pain behind those tough glares that were stranger to her gentle gaze and that frown that was outlandish to her beautiful brows.
The warrior simply smiled at her, to which she smiled back "we will return soon" he replied before turning his back and walking away with the other heroes of Azeroth.
By (y/n)'s answer, Jaina felt an emptiness stir in her heart and stomach tie in a knot "I'll be here..." she muttered, almost inaudible.
The human mage watched as the sounds of their footsteps vanish behind the dark halls, Jaina knew that by every step they take, Arthas's death draws near or if they fail and are risen as undead then the world will surely fall. Jaina didn't know for whom she should mourn? For the world or her prince?.

(Y/n) turned to look behind him, he saw the human mage quietly standing, her back turned to him. By the sudden but subtle tremors of her body, he understood that she was sobbing. If only he could do something, anything to stop her from crying, he wanted to run back to her and cradle her in his arms, to say that everything will be okay. However, what was the point of giving false hopes when everything is about to end in a few moments? (Y/n) could sympathize with her sorrow but there was nothing to be done, Arthas must be slain to ensure Azeroth's safety.

The Lich King had been stronger than they thought, he locked up Tirion in an icy cage, halting him from to move at all and now he was about to raise all heroes as his champions. (Y/n) felt a sharp pain as his life slowly ebbed away, this is what everyone feared, this is what Jaina feared. Would all of their effort, sacrifices and pain would come to naught? Will the Light abandon them here, in this cold unforgiving wasteland? The warrior's vision grew blurry as his soul slowly escaped his body, just then a strong presence of light bought him and everyone back to life, a voice arose him from his deathlike sleep "Rise up Heroes! The hour of light has come! Strike at the Lich King!" Tirion shouted. (Y/n) noticed that the cursed blade Frostmourne had been broken and its owner much more weakened than before.
Soon the Heroes Of Azeroth were victorious, but the joy of victory died soon when (y/n) picked up a necklace near Arthas's dead body. Upon closer inspection he realized that the locket belonged to none other than Jaina. "What will I tell her?" (Y/n) stared at the necklace, he knew that she would be devastated the moment she lays her eyes on it.
The warrior had two choices, he could hide this from her and never tell her or give it to her and face the truth. (Y/n), after a moment's thought, chose the righteous path, he will unfold the truth.
"Where is lady Proudmoor?" (Y/n) asked a Kirin Tor mage who had been with her
"Lady Jaina left this place a few moments after you left for the Frozen Throne" he replied
"Thank you..." the warrior hastily replied, he needed to reach her as soon as he could.

The female mage couldn't stay in Icecrown Citadel any longer, she is and had always been a kind but brave woman but today it feels like all her courage has been drained from her. Jaina felt her heart sink by every passing moment in that citadel, the anticipation of his death or the death of all heroes' death had her worried sick. Jaina quietly stared outside her window, the moonlight softly caressed her blonde locks of hair, it almost looked like she was emanating light from her beauty but in her heart she felt opposite.
Why did this happen? Jaina tried to answer that question for a long time now, but there was no answer to it. All she could do was to face the bitter truth, there was no compromising of that.
The female felt tears running down her face as her shoulder grew weak, she thought she would collapse by the weight of her heavy heart, she knelt beside her bed and buried her face under the pillows
"Was this necessary?" Jaina muttered "was there any need for this?...!" the mage covered her face in her palms "why did I have to see this? To know this?!" Jaina sobbed, just then she felt a gentle touch on her hair, she looked up to find (y/n) sitting beside her, looking at her with sympathy.
"So...he is gone?" Jaina said, quickly wiping away the tears
"I'm sorry for your loss..." (y/n) sighed and held the locket in front of her "I found this near his body..." he replied.
Jaina took the locket in her hand, softly touching the carving in it "he kept it... he loved me till the end..." she muttered before her voice broke with sorrow
"If you need a moment by yourself, then I'll be outside..." he said and proceeded to leave but a sudden embrace from her stopped him
"P-Please...s-stay here, I am too broken to be alone now... I need you to be here... with me, don't leave me like he did (y/n), don't leave me" Jaina sobbed soon after, unable to talk anymore, she buried her face on his chest
(Y/n) embraced her back, placing a gentle kiss on her head as she sobbed.
That night Jaina's heart may have broken but her affections to (y/n) and his affections to Jaina had soothed her bleeding heart, even if it was just a little bit...

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