Chapter 3-Harry Styles

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Hello! everyone so I completed                 the third also hope you like it. Please vote and comment telling me how is it do you like it? Please vote  and comment if you do like!                -With love from S.V.Xoxo

Harry's P.O.V

I'm tried af and am sure other guys are tired too as Niall is probably lying on Liam almost cuddling with him and you can see a little drool coming out of his mouth it made me laugh a bit.

That's how Niall is even if he doesn't try to make you laugh, you will still laugh just by seeing his movements hell that's how it always have been but not since last some months.

Since Zayn decided to leave the band we all have been this sad and upset Liam tried to make him change his mind he even tried saying stay for fans but he couldn't change his mind.

He did it cuz he was more close to him than us but I guess the stress was too much and all the demands the management asked us not to do so as to maintain our sweet boy image was just too much for him he has always been rebellious. I am too but I do not have that problems with those demands but I guess it got to Zayn's nerves.

Fans got too upset more upset than anyone of us could imagine, when the news was bombarded on them, they were outside the management building, outside our homes everyone's mine, Liam's, Niall's, Louis's and Zayn's they were commenting, posting on social networking sites and hell alot so much that Simon had to finally decide to give a break to band and send us on hiatus to different place not much crowded a place peace and calm till the matter comes down and we can also relax for sometime.

So here we are in Zurich. It was calm and at full peace no Paparazzi, nothing.

Snowy mountains, tall green coniferous trees like pine, fir, cedar, juniper and many different types of coniferous could be seen anywhere you turn your head. The cotton-like snow was weighing down the edge of the needle-like leaves.

All nature and I love nature so I guess I'll love this place too I don't know much about Zurich as we never tour here(idk if they tour or not but pretend like they didn't) I guess that's why Simon chose it.

It's really calming and seeing nothing at the airport no one waiting for One Direction or for The Harry Styles is so calming and it felt such a foreign feeling and I really like that.

It's so relaxing here I guess that's why they call it one of the most calmest peaceful relaxing and most beautiful country in the world 'The Switzerland'.

And soon the sun was setting too in the mountains glowing to it's utmost peak for the last time in day letting it's rays go far in every corner and every hideout dying for the moon to take birth again like everyday, dying for the moon to breathe like every night it does saying goodbye to the world like everyday it does.

As the sun was setting it's orange and golden glow laid a piece of enchanting beauty. Everything was lit up with the golden glow. The floating of fleecy clouds looks like a stretch of fire. As the sun rays landed on the apex of the snowy mountains it looked like the mountains were wrapped in the thinnest of glint. All this constitute a sight to see.

Then gradually the sun sanks across the hazy coniferous' and below the snowy mountains at the distant horizon. The majestic sun sets for the night and leaves the world under the reign of darkness to rule the roost.The night falls with appall of darkness and so does happen with my sight of view as I found myself falling into deep slumber, as my lashes got heavier by every passing second and soon the darkness of sleep took over me just like the darkness of night took over the sky.

I was awoke by someone shaking me I guess by the voice it was Paul shaking me up, "Harry get up, Harry Hello we are here get up!".

I open my eyes and see him smiling sympathetically at me as if from his eyes trying to say sorry for all this,"Harry get Liam and Niall up. Noah (he is other staff member and probably guards of the boys) get Louis up."who was behind us in backseat.

I shook Niall saying "Niall we are here wake up man" he started mumbling, " Oh God! No this can't be be happening Nandos are getting closed forever."

I laughed and so did Paul, Noah, Nave and Louis who is awake by now. I shook him again he mumbled again, " So what if the owner died it can still run smoothly does he not have children.....okay I will buy it".

We started laughing so hard that Liam woke and saw Niall all cuddled up to him and shook him saying "Man you need to wake up you are tackling me to death" No response but a sure response was coming back from Louis "C'mon Li he is just cuddling".

Liam gave me a nod reminding me of how to wake him up we both leaned near his ear and shouted "Ahhhhhhgggggg".

Niall bolted up holding his ears we all started laughing and he groaned and said, "Are you guys fucking crazy or what?".

Liam replied while laughing "we were trying to wake you up".

Niall glared at him saying," you could have shook me."

I told him"Believe me we did".

Paul turned back to us from passenger seat "Alright boys fun is over time to talk about real stuff".

We looked seriously at him all ears to him "you guys need to wear this so that no one recognise you" he said while taking a transparent bag which had some beard, black sunglasses, and beanie and a fedora that's for me I'm sure.

We all agreed and started taking out stuff when Louis said " if you guys gave me the baddest I'm gonna kill each one of you". We took out stuff Paul told us who will wear what.

"Why do we need to wear sunglasses at night, I see no point in it" I said irritated by them.

Louis sassed back of course he had too "so that no one can get lost in beautiful charismatic green eyes of yours Harold and say oh God look there is Harry Harry Styles from One Direction oh no no no the whole One Direction is here!" he said in a high pitched voice to resemble a fan girl I groaned and started wearing the stuff.

Paul made me wear a big long mustache god it was tickling my nose I wonder how people are able to keep a real one. But worse was the case with Niall he had to have a beard that too a long one, looking at all boys no- "No one can recognise us we look so different" Liam said cutting me off in my mind.

"And creepy, anyone can get scared and ran away from us" Louis added
"I could agree no less" Niall added.

"I agree too and when they look us wearing sunglasses at 9:40 or almost 10:00 pm at night they will ran away that's for sure" I said groaning and looking at my watch for correct time.

Paul said laughing "Harry I didn't knew you really hate glasses that much last time I checked you were freaking for your glasses in Glasgow when you were not able to find them and making every person in room search it for you as if it was a diamond and finally at last Zayn entered the room asking what happen and when you told him all panicking about how precious it was and he laughed so hard and took it out from the back of your collar saying you said it was 'The Style of Styles' and we were so angry with you" I smiled at the memory and so were all of us

"I do not hate them but wearing them at night makes me look like real idiot I mean they are sunglasses c'mon." I emphasized on 'sun'.

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