Chapter-16 Local Market

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I was seeing the description on the beetroot boxes trying to find the better brand between both. When I felt a presence just behind me or rather on me and soon I felt someone breathing on my shoulder.

I turned my head sideways and saw the most annoying person I ever met, his eyes focused on boxes in my hand eyebrows inclined and nose scrunching "Don't take that." he said.

"What?" I asked in utter confusion.

"I said don't buy beetroot" he said very casually.

"And tell me one good reason why I shouldn't!" I asked faking a smile which I guess he knew too.

"Cause I'm saying it." he said smirking.

"Oh so you are some King or God that I should listen to you. Huh?" I said stretching my eyebrows up.

"Well I never said that but if you are saying then I might be one." he said grinning widely.

I said nothing, probably ignoring him and turned my head again to start judging the two boxes in my hands.

"I said don't buy it, I hate it " I heard his voice again coming from behind.

"I don't care if you hate it or love it and I'm buying food for my kitchen. He is buying food for your kitchen tell him." I said pointing towards Paul who was busy holding lettuce up in air and God only knows what he was trying to do by holding it up in air, revolving and looking at it from every angle.

"He already knows that" he said shrugging and looking all too innocent for a boy like him.

"Would just stop annoying me and leave me alone?" I said totally annoyed.

"Believe me I have no desire to stay with or beside you"he said coming and standing beside me.

"Then why are you?" I said looking up at him beside me who was picking some food packages and reading it's description.

"Because Paul is annoying me asking me not to be so rude to you and how I should be more kind and generous to someone like you which all I can't handle and I don't want to stand alone by the car or roam around all alone here.

I mean look at people here they are so blank, so void of emotions, like there is no life in them and they even walk like zombies.

I understand this is a very old market, a very old area which still follow the cultures of 20th century but lives in 21st century but that does not mean that they should live like some ghosts or zombies, they are all so scary." He said and by the end he looked like he was a bit scared.

"Aww is the little boy scared?" I asked like a person would talk to a two year.

"Shut up I'm not scared and when it comes to little I guess I'm not the little one here." he said smiling widely at me, obviously pointing out the difference between our heights but it's not me who is short it's him who is a fucking giant he's probably 6'0 I'm sure and I'ma 5'6. I believe it is not that short height that you can call someone short.

I glared at him and was about to reply him with a witty remark that would have swept off that smirk off of his face but a middle aged lady came probably looking too happy to see customers at her stall "Oh! Please take these beetroots they very fresh I just brought them this morning." she said very happily.

I scrunched my face in confusion like it is still morning how could she say that?

She might have picked wrong idea from my facial expressions that I'm not going to buy them as she spoke "These are very healthy for your baby."

What? Did I not heard her correctly or did she just said 'YOUR baby'.

"What? What Baby?" I asked utterly confused on hearing those words.

"Yes you, my love, you are pregnant so it's good for you and for your baby." she said looking like a doctor.

I could hear Harry silently laughing so that the lady couldn't hear him and it triggered me even more when he said
"Oh! Sue you didn't told me or any of us you were pregnant that is so bad."

"Shut up!" I said glaring at him.

"Oh sir! Please buy it these are very good for your wife and your baby it will also help her in keeping her calm and not getting angry frequently." she said looking concerned and I couldn't pin point why?

Was it because I was a pregnant girl in her eyes who was having excessive change of moods and so she was feeling pity for my husband or was it because I was not going to buy beetroots?

Wait he is not my husband eww that sound gross.....

But anyways now it was my turn to laugh at him I would have, I would have laughed hard and right at his face but the lady was referring to me as his wife and the mother of his child and I couldn't feel anymore suffocated so I just replied.

"I'm not pregnant and neither he is my husband." I said to her.

"Oh! I'm so sorry but please buy these you would be a happy and healthy couple forever if you chose to eat healthy."she looked even more worried and I felt bad for the lady at how anxious she was on selling her vegetables. It might have not been that people come here daily.

But what is the problem with this lady why is she trying to tie both of us in some fucking romantic relationship.

"We are not that either." he replied as annoyed as me.

"Oh then maybe brother and sister."she said getting more worried by every passing minute.

"No Madam we are nothing more than just acquaintance. We have no relation between each other." I replied with extreme politeness, trying to look calm so that the lady would stop making stupid assumptions.

"Exactly for the very first and very last time I'm gonna agree with her, I mean just look at her and look at me." Okay now Harry is making it real hard to hold my anger. Why can't he just stop annoying me for even a second?

"Exactly I too for very first and last time in my life is gonna agree with him I mean look at him and look at me." I replied exactly same as what he said.

"Yeah I look like a Prince Charming and she looks like a clown." Now Harry made me loose my calm. Why did I not protest against bringing him with me? But now I'm gonna show him how you really insult a person.

"Oh my God Harry you narrate it wrong I guess you didn't studied well in your early years the story was about a beautiful princess and a ugly frog. Oh no wait in last the frog turns out to be the Prince I mean Prince Charming and you are not that, hmm Oh wait Yes you are the leaf he sits on but a leaf doesn't speak, so why are you? Keep your mouth shut, you leaf."

I heard the lady laughing slowly and Harry turned his face towards her throwing daggers at her.

So, this is the new chapter I hope you like it. I think this is the funniest chapter yet that I wrote. What you guys think please tell me. Vote and definitely leave comments I want to know your thoughts!!!!❤❤
Have a good day and keep smiling and remember you are beautiful cause God's every creation is and Humans happens to be the most!!! *_* *_*
Pm me anytime if you want help with anything or wanna say anything.^_^
-with all love S.V.Xoxo

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