Chapter 6-Shadow And Knife

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Recap: I kinda felt bad for her right at this moment after what seemed like minutes when it only was seconds she walked away with same attitude and her head held high soon the elevator door closed.

Sue's P.O.V.

I entered my flat struggling with things and keys. "I'm home!".

I say as if there was anyone to welcome me and engulf in tight hug telling me how they missed me, asking me how was my day and then maybe my dad turning his attention from football match or stock market news to me asking authoritatively why I'm so late and I shouldn't be out this late at night and then maybe my mum telling my dad to shut up and let me relax, but my brother barging in and saying how my dad was right.

Finally when I'm out of family bickering I would have gone to refresh and my mother would have set hot and warm food on dinning table for all of us to have it and then we all would have a gala family time.

I sarcastically laugh at myself at how good I am at imagining things which can never be true after what happen I wish it never had happened.

I hanged my coat on the coat rack and placed my car and flat keys on my counter top. I got in my bedroom and placed all my files and my Mac on my study table. I picked a pen from pen-stand made a messy bun and tucked in it to keep it at its place.

I went to kitchen to have a glass of water as I was too thirsty, as I was pouring water in my glass in water I felt that feeling you feel when someone is watching you I looked up and on the kitchen wall I saw a shadow I couldn't decipher what kind of figure it actually was but yeah that shadow was of some figure.

I turned and walked towards the balcony, I opened the glass door sliding it a little bit so the cold does not enter that much. Instead of the person I saw  was met with cold breeze and nothing I thought that because I was tired my mind was playing trick's on me so I shrugged it off, but this has been happening ever since I came here different and discomforting things keep on happening I always feel very discomforted and like I'm being watched.

I told this to James and he said I'm tired and exhausted with work that's the reason, and after that I'm starting to get nightmares in which someone always is asking for help and crying god only knows what is happening.

I went back switched on the lights and sat on the coffee table drinking and relaxing I checked my phone and decided to call my James and tell him I'm back at Zurich and I'm fine. I dialed the all to familiar number it rang I waited for him to pick it up.

Finally after few more rings he picked "Hey beautiful what's up?" he spoke first.

"I knew that you would not go to sleep so early, you liar." I said smiling instead of replying his question.

"Oh believe me I'm really tired but work has to be done I'm just on my last file as soon as it done I'll go to sleep." he spoke seriously and by his voice I knew he was very exhausted so I decided to annoy him even more.

"OooOOoo Someone is getting all serious, responsible and a big guy aww I'm gonna miss my carefree bestieee." I spoke and a wicked smile appear dancing on my lips cause I know by saying that I had hit the right spot.

"Shut Up! I'm most serious when it comes to comparing to the group I'm in! and secondly you are all tough, arrogant, responsible, SERIOUS and goody two shoes when it comes to work." he spoke all worked up and I started laughing.

But I didn't reply to that and instantly change the subject because I knew he was right "Well I'm gonna make dinner, then I'll go to sleep too.

After talking to him for a while more, I was just going to close the lights when suddenly door bell rang who the hell is there at this late in night, I went to door and through the peephole and saw those new creepy guys standing there and their bodyguards. I contemplated on should I open the door or not, what if they really are burglars, thieves, maybe in a gang, I didn't want to die so early their so many things I haven't done, So many places I haven't went.

I used my mind quickly and ran into kitchen quickly grabbing the biggest knife.

Hello!! Everyone so cliffhanger but don't worry I'm thinking on updating the next chapter soon .Thank you everyone for reading and please comment and vote. -With love S.V.

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