Chapter 12-Ben

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Hello! Everyone so here's a new chapter. Hope you guys enjoy it ^_^ and a massive massive thanks everyone for all your support that you all have been giving me  I really can't belive 300 reads so fast THANKS A LOT it really means so much to me i can't tell how happy I am all thanks to u guys love you all:-* please keep on supporting me like this it really encourages me to write more and more but please comment as i do not get what are your thoughts on the book. Have a good day, and keep smiling :-)

RECAP: I went to my room but as soon as i open the door the site in-front of me make raise all hairs on body.  


Their was a person or more like a lady lying in my bed and on my side of the bed that terrified me to extremity and even though she was all wrapped up in my sheets her long brown hair could be seen coming out of it, sweat was dripping from my forehead and I wanted nothing more than to just run as far as I can but I could not even move my feet as if they were glued to the floor.

After standing their for what felt like ages when in reality it just some mere seconds I step back quietly closing the door and ran outside towards the main door as fast as I could. I ran to Ben the cop which lives next to One Direction guys.

I rang his bell after ringing it two or three times a very exhausted looking Ben came out he was looking like I just woke him up by ringing his bell. I suddenly regretted for waking him up but my problem is like I can't face it alone some lady broke into my flat what else do you expect from me.

Ben slowly raised his head and his sleep filled eyes met mine and soon shock was replaced in them.

"Sue! what happen you look scared, is everything alright?" he asked worried.

"N-noo-no t-thee-ere is" I was stuttering and pointing towards my flat so Ben cut me off.

"Sue calm down take deep breath and tell me what happen I'm here okay." he said worry and concern laced in his voice.

"There is a lady lying in my bed Ben"I said and I realized what I said and it made shivers go down my spine.

"Okay fine just stay her I'll get my gun and we'll go checkout okay?" he then went in his flat running and soon came out loading his gun.

Together we went to my flat Ben very quietly open the door and pointed the gun towards the bed but there was no one lying in the bed it was clear and no messed up blankets like no one ever laid on my bed, from scared to utterly confused I became.

But that lady might be hiding somewhere else without saying another word Ben checked the bathroom and the closet beneath the bed out on the balcony and he went down checking the whole field but he found nothing.

Then he checked the whole flat while I was crawling behind him like a lost puppy after he was done he stopped in the middle of lobby between the two sofa sets and said to me" Sue we checked your whole flat but there is no one I think you are very tired and so you are hallucinating."

"Yeah I guess the same and I'm really sorry I shouldn't have woke you up for nothing"I said as I was truly feeling bad but I'm still very sure it was just not my hallucination there actually was a lady I don't know where she went but there was the lady but then again if she was there then where the hell did she go?

"No it's alright I'ma cop that's my job and I understand you got afraid and it's good that you called me instead of handling it alone and if there would have been someone in there then it was really dangerous."he said seriously and I was feeling this warm felling one feel when someone really show care towards you, but then again he is an officer and it's his job nothing else.

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