Chapter 5-Elevator

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We walked into the building towards the elevator as ground floor was clear nothing was there. And there she was standing probably waiting for the elevator.

Before we approached a boy similar age as us came and stand near her. He started talking to her.

Soon we were just behind them now we can hear what they were talking, she said "yes I am" in a low voice voice holding no emotion except full fatigue I can hear it in her voice, i wonder what the boy asked her.

"So how was the party?, looking at you i can tell you partied hard, Had fun eh? Good good sometimes you need break from a hectic life that people like you have." he asked and said hmm he sound nosy.

"Well for first it was not a party, it was a celebration and second if you think not changing your dress and just getting in a flight in same clothes means I partied hard then your highly mistaken as there can be a perfect explanation for what you just saw, and I do not have hectic life I love my life the way it is."she sassed and and her voice was strong and powerful totally contrary to her appearence all sweet and i notice she had an American accent and on hearing it sounded like of a New Yorker but- my thoughts were interrupted as the door of elevator opened with a ding ding and we all entered.

Standing there the boy finally noticed seven of us and smiled saying"oh! Hey! You Guys might be new here right."

Paul responded for us "Yes."

He asked "why are you four wearing sunglasses at night and why are you 3 not wearing it?"

Louis quickly said "we are having allergies right now"

"ohh" was all that he said...... finally he extended his hand and said "By the way Hi! I'm Miach I work at Vance Publishing Firm, my office is not far from here, what about you guys? Where are you from? Why do guys come here in Zurich?"

I was right he is nosy and so we should stay away from him. "I'm Paul and I help all of them in putting their paintings and sketches for exhibition, I'm kinda manager of them." Paul said and shook his hand with Miach and gave us a look as to say what we were told in London by management before leaving

"I'm Lucas and I'm a portrait painter, nice to meet you" Liam said while shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you too" Miach said.

"I'm Nick and I'm a sketcher nice to meet you"Niall said

"Nice to meet you too" Miach said.

"I'm Harriot and I'm nature artist, nice to meet you Miach" I extended my hand shook it.

"Nice to meet you too Harriot quite unique name" he shook my hand and I couldn't help but notice a little sarcasm in his voice.

"I'm Kevin and I'm cartoon artist, nice to meet you" Louis said.

"Nice to meet you too"

"and you two are bodyguards??" Miach asked.

"Yes"Paul said voice full with annoyance.

"OK and if you guys have problem you can ask help from me I live on 7th floor flat no.756 and I didn't knew you guys were English eh?? Nice to have some English men here filled with English accent not all of you have that but I notice most of you have that cool! Well I'm American and so does she eh? Sue I'm right ain't I?"

She didn't even look back what a rude girl sure she was American as she is beautiful but so rude Americans are very friendly and she is not even near it.

I recalled what I said for her "angel from heaven no goddess herself"god how was I wrong she is devil from hell no Satan's goddess hahaha that perfectly suits the girl as she is wearing bright red clothes.

Man she is even more of herself than Taylor she at least pretended to be good when in reality she was so full of herself and so bad probably from my mum's teachings I shouldn't say this but I can't help but say she is a total bitch a full pain in arse but this girl ugghh...

What's her name Sue hahahaha such a funny name 'Sue I will sue you', she has such an attitude so egoistic I had to fight the urge and not take off this long itchy mustache and these glasses and show her I'm Harry Styles from One Direction and what you are girl a girl so full of herself so rude probably working at some local store or shop.

And the whole One Direction is here except for Zayn man we all miss him I make a mental note to call him tomorrow morning.

I'm sure she'll start screaming and crying omg I love you, you all are so good and all but then I'll tell her to get lost as she is so rude.

I don't like doing this to any fan, I never did this but I can't help and think doing this as she is so rude.

Miach and Paul were having conversation when the elevator door open Sue started to walk away and Miach said bye to her but she walked away without a care in the world huh so rude and arrogant, as arrogant as her beauty, if only she knew who we were.

She was out of the elevator only when Miach said "She is sexy as hell isn't she?" not realizing that she was not far away and neither was the door of elevator was closed.

She suddenly stopped I thought she would turn around and smack him right in the face but she just stand still like her feet were glued to floor.

Her head lowered to the floor like she was ashamed of herself and all that tense body, stern face, professional attitude shattered in a matter of seconds.

Her shoulders slumped forwards, it seemed like from front she had close her eyes tightly in pain and hurt rather than anger and released a long breath.

I kinda felt bad for her right at this moment after what seemed like minutes when it was only seconds she walked away with same attitude and her head held high soon the elevator door closed.

Okay so first of all i sorry for presenting Taylor Swift as a bitch here I kinda didn't mean to but it was from Harry's perspective and to put more reality I put it so NO OFFENSE and I don't like Haylor or Hendall I hate both of them but I love Taylor and Kendall and I love her songs very much. Please vote and comment and let me know your thoughts on it.-With all love S.V. xoxo

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