Chapter 11-Revelation

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Sue's flat looks like the picture above. Read a/n at the end of Chapter. Hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter, have fun lovelies....

Sue's  P.O.V

"So I think boys it's time and i don't think it would be a problem in telling her" Paul said smirking at all four of them and a wide smirk appear on each of their face and I was becoming nervous.

              "So you love One Direction songs but not them right Sue" Harriot asked smirking at me and by now I'm sure fear would be full evident on my face who wouldn't be?

I'm beginning to doubt that my assumption of them was false they might be thieves or even part of some gang or some mafia who knew?

                 "Ye-e-es No- nno I mean N-n-no i ll-ove th-eem too"I  stuttered and I curse at myself for that.

                    "Oh then I guess you're gonna love us now too ?" Harriot said giving me an evil kind of smirk he had been the rudest to me from start, I'm too scare to say anything but I won't let them know that because I'm not scare of anything nor I'm weak, I swallowed the last bite of my food hard.

                       "We are" Harriot said and all the boys grinned and then he look at all of the three and they joined him. Then they literally shouted at me "ONE DIRECTION"

                        Wait what did they just say NOOoooo that's not possible. They gotta be kidding me. I was so shocked that I choked on my water and coughed a bit but after then it struck me and I started laughing hard.

              "Ww-what happen?" Lucas asked me. I was laughing so hard that I could not even speak.

                  After recovering from my small fit of laughter, I finally spoke "Yeah right and I'm Angelina Jolie and let's go to James Cameron and ask him to make a movie I'll be protagonist and you guys sing songs for the movie and don't worry about hero I'll talk to Brad". 

                                After this I laughed so damn hard that I was afraid that i might fall from my chair but all the faces in front and sideways of me were stone cold okay now I'm done with this shit.

"Hello! are you guys even in this world?" I asked shaking my hand in front of their faces.

 "You don't believe us?"Kevin said.

                    Now this angered me up "Are you guys serious I mean you guys really want me to believe in this big big fat lie I mean you guys are ONE DIRECTION?" I emphasized on 'you'.

  "YES" they all said at once with quite a look on their faces, a pissed one I may add.

   "Boys took that stuff off your face so she can see" Paul said releasing a sigh.

                                                      No they can't really be what I'm thinking NO,Harriot took off his fedora and the mustache and his famous brown curls on which girls go wild came in view.

I don't really know if that girls go wild thing was even true but that's what Kelly told me, and his hairs were really very good even looked better than mine and now I was even more jealous first their voice and now so sexy hair I really wanted to ask which shampoo and conditioner he used but I know I can't, I recognize him as Harry as in Harry Styles shit and he was sitting across from me.

Next to him was Lucas No I was wrong when he took off his big specs and his make-up of those dirty pimples I realized he was Liam Payne oh now I get why he was speaking so fast I remember Nats taunting me every time I ate slow saying by the time I finish my food Liam can finish reading half a novel.

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