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A/N: Kinda Angsty?

Ghirahim was dead!

Those chocolate eyes smirked irritably as those pale lips grinned. The demon's fangs bit into his bottom lip, and collar bones prominently stood out below his throat. His chest slowly rose and fell with his breaths. His body radiated the warmth of life, and Link felt himself becoming very confused.

"Ghirahim?" His voice shattered along with the small strength his heart had left. The former hero could feel the imaginary tiny shreds of glass sticking into his skin and causing him to bleed out. The demon blinked slowly, his breath caught in his throat for a second. Finally, he tilted his head, silver bangs falling into his face as a look of puzzlement overcame his face.

"How do you know my name?" Ghirahim purred, and Link flinched. Even his voice sounded the exact same. He knew all too well how that velvety tone could suddenly rocket into a furious scream. As he noticed each of these similarities, he felt the shards dig deeper into him, threading to kill him. The blond choked back a sob.

How did he know Ghirahim?

He had grown to know Ghirahim in the quiet glimpses during battle, during the pouring rain when he hadn't made it back up to Skyloft, during the times the demon's head traveled in between his thighs. But then, he had killed Ghirahim. He had watched the demon's eyes contort in fear and surprise. He watched that face become tear stained as the life drained out of that beautifully damned creature.

Ghirahim was dead!

"You...don't remember me," Link mused out loud, his voice harshly breathing in, in pain. He didn't know whether this was a curse or blessing.

"I've never seen you before," the demon huffed. "How would I remember you?" And then, Link cried. Ghirahim was dead. No matter if this demon looked exactly like him, right down to his torn ear, or had his name or voice, he wasn't his Ghirahim. He wasn't the Ghirahim that Link had grown to love and then utterly betray.

"Just kill me," the blond whimpered. Please, kill him. It'd be better than the pain digging through every fiber of his being.

"Really?" Ghirahim's voice took on the delight of a kid throwing himself down the stairs on Christmas morning. Link solemnly nodded. The demon's grin grew wider but then he slowly took a step back from Link. "I can't," he squeaked.

"Why not?" Link shouted back, his voice growing thin with desperation.

"Hylia wouldn't want me too," the demon whispered, looking down at the ground. That's when Link noticed something in the demon that was very different from the original Ghirahim. His wickedness still shined bright in his dark eyes, definitely still a sadist, but there was something subduing that, making him look more innocent and young. "She said I had to come back into this world. She said it was something about giving someone a second chance, but she wouldn't give me back any of my prior memories."

Tears welled in the hero's eyes. "Hylia's a real bitch. I mean, if I'm supposed to be giving someone a second chance, then shouldn't I remember that person," Ghirahim scoffed.

Before he could say anything else, Link rushed in and hugged him tight. Even when Ghirahim threatened to kill him if he didn't let go, he hung on tight. He wasn't letting the demon slip through his fingers again.


So like, I'm still updating Chance, I promise. I just don't know how to explain it. I don't have writer's block per se. It's more like... Chance has kind of died from my heart because it's so cliché. I still love it, but all of my stories basically copy each other. I don't know how to explain it better than that. :/

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