Call Me Link

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Link grimaced as he felt the flesh of the bokoblin give away underneath his blade, spraying him with it's blood. The creature eyes were locked on his and it's mouth was agape in a silent scream. Link's frown deepened, and he yanked the sword out of the animal, watching it crumple to the ground like a rag doll. His tunic was absolutely filthy now, drenched in sweat, blood, and some other matters he'd rather not think about. Worse though, was his sword. Crimson matted the ebony metal and flesh hung off the spike that protruded from the sword. Link once again shivered, thinking about how the blade had been designed for torture more than combat.

"Well done, Master. Your kills of this common monster type have increased to over four hundred. From the data I've collected, I'd say that you're exceptionally skilled at slaying this enemy," mocked a lascivious voice. The hero recoiled within himself as he felt gloved fingers curl around his shoulder, pressing in to where it was almost painful. Out of instinct, Link knocked the hand away before turning to face the spirit.

"You will not call me Master," Link instructed while sheathing the sword. Ghirahim crossed his arms and jutted a hip, causing Link to narrow his eyes. "That's an order Ghirahim."

The sword spirit's hands gripped his arms tighter, and Link could see his jaw clench. "I'm sure as hell not calling you Hero," he snapped. Link made a sound of disgust.

"If you ever called me Hero, I think I'd have to throttle you," the blond deadpanned back. "Let's stick with Link." Link let out a soft sigh, relaxing his stance. The demon's eyes narrowed even farther as he saw the human's expression soften.

"Don't do it," Ghirahim warned.

"Look Ghirahim-" Link started.

"And, you're doing it," the spirit muttered under his breath.

"This hasn't been easy for either of us, but I don't want to keep arguing with you," Link said, taking a step towards the demon. Ghirahim matched his pace, taking a step back.

"I don't need your pity," the demon snarled. The air around them crackled with electricity, causing Link to dully note that the spirit was getting so upset that his magic was slipping out of control. The hero held his hands up in surrender.

"Fine, you shit. If you're so dead set against us forming some type of amicable relationship, then be my guest to call me Master," Link gave in. "While you're at it, why don't you just shove your sword up my ass?"

"I hope you're not saying that as an order because I'd hate to violate my blade in such a vile manner," Ghirahim snapped back, anger only dissipating a little. Link rolled his eyes at that.

"Oh no," he sarcastically drawled out, "I order you to fuck me right in the ass with your sword-" Ghirahim snapped his fingers, and Link's lips were sealed shut with magic. The blond seethed in silence, glaring at the demon. Not using his magic on him had been one of the only rules Link had given the other at the start of the spirit's servitude.

"Unless if you actually want to die from taking a rapier up the rear, I really wouldn't finish that command." Ghirahim snapped his fingers once more, relinquishing the magic's hold on Link. "You're getting sidetracked Master. I believe it would be in your best interests for me to return to the sword until your mission is complete," the demon advised before vaporizing, not giving Link a chance to accept or decline the motion.

"I didn't even summon you in the first place," Link muttered before drawing out the sword again. He felt it give a strong pulse, most likely Ghirahim warning him to knock off the attitude.

a/n: is it bad that i've been hoarding finished chapters of abscond in my google drive because i got too self conscious about my writing to ever post them?

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