We're Not Lovers

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A/N: This oneshot was inspired by Miley Cyrus' song, Wrecking Ball. I wish I was kidding.

Ghirahim looked taken aback as Link shoved him away. The hurt expression on his face almost immediately smoothed over, turning back into his cold facade. The hero, however, wasn't able to compose himself as well.

"I hate you!" Link cried out, sniffling. He closed his eyes, blinking rapidly in an attempt to stop tears from falling down his face.

Ghirahim's fingers twitched at his sides as he stood at a distance. He wanted nothing more than to embrace the other and tell him everything was going to be alright, but they both knew that was a lie. Nothing was 'alright' between them. Both of them knew that developing a relationship would be more trouble than it was worth, but they had still decided to take the risk. Now, they had to face the consequences.

"You're so... so selfish!" Link shouted again. Ghirahim's fingers clenched into fists this times as he let out an indignant huff.

"How am I the selfish one, Hero? How are you blaming me for not giving up my quest when you won't give up yours either?" The demon seethed. Link's mouth worked for a few seconds, but no words came out.

Ghirahim slowly started to walk over to him and Link tensed. "Get away from me," he halfheartedly muttered as the other approached. The demon ignored him of course.

His thumbs traced Link's cheekbones, and the blond felt himself unable to pull away. "Just here me out," Ghirahim began. "Forget the girl."

Apparently, Ghirahim didn't think words were needed for his argument. He was sure the gentle press of his lips against Link's would win his case. So when the other stiffened and shoved him away again, he was left reeling.

"I can't forget her," Link regrettably stated. He kept his head down, not wanting to face the other.

Ghirahim bit his lip, truly wishing that this wasn't happening right now. "Then goodbye Hero," he finally whispered. "The next time we meet, it will not be as lovers."

Link felt two hands gingerly tug at his hair as lips ghosted across his jawline before the sensations eventually faded away as the demon disappeared. He stood dumbstruck in the temple, his mind not being able to process what had happened. He had managed to lose one of the only people he truly cared for in a span of mere minutes.

The next time we meet, it will not be as lovers.

A small, despaired whimper left his mouth.

A/N: this is what happens when I try to write past midnight, whoops.

I'm honestly a big suck for the "Gary and Lonk bang and accidentally fall in love but neither is willing to give up their destiny so one of them eventually gets killed by the other" trope

Idk, fanfics like that always leave me feeling emotionally dead but they're also my guilty pleasure

Also, Ghirahim w/ a nose like this is my guilty pleasure headcanon lmao idek why

(((Edit from July 2019: oh god oh god oh god my art used to be so, so bad oh god oh-)))

(((Edit from July 2019: oh god oh god oh god my art used to be so, so bad oh god oh-)))

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Im too tired, I need sleep

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