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A/n: unedited, read at your own risk


Christmas may have already passed in Skyloft, bringing a new year along with it, but the weather only seemed to worsen down on the Surface. Every night, Link would travel up to the Academy with chapped lip and splitting knuckles. He had even taken to wearing a blue scarf as he scoured Faron in the subzero temperatures, despite its tendency to get caught on every thicket of undergrowth.

Yes, Christmas may have passed, but Ghirahim certainly didn't need to know that.

Link wasn't exactly sure what to label his relationship with the demon. They certainly weren't friend, but they certainly didn't hate each other's guts either. It was a tricky relationship that more often than not left the young hero feeling utterly confused.

His emotions only became more muddled and distressed as his enemy had approached him as he leaned against a tree, taking a break. He had frantically rubbed his hands together, breathing hot air on them, only to stop out of surprise when the other teleported in front of him. Without so much as a word, Ghirahim had taken Link's hands into his own, warming them up with an artificial body heat generated from his magic. The blond immediately looked away, embarrassed.

"For the sweet love of Hylia, why do you Hylians get so cold?"Ghirahim's words were bitter, yet Link knew better than to think the sour attitude was directed at him.

"Kind of funny how you knew exactly where I was and that i was feeling a bit chilly," Link snarked back, matching the other's attitude. Ghirahim didn't say anything, but his grip on Link tightened. The hero finally glanced at Ghirahim, watching the demon as he warmed his hands before the gloved hands trailed up his arm, leaving a wake of heat behind them.

"Sorry, I've just been stressed out," the demon finally said as his hands met Link's shoulders, pausing there for a moment. Link watched as he tensed, waiting for Ghirahim to rant about what was on his mind, but it never came. Instead, an uneasy silence filled the distance between them as Ghirahim worked his hands, back down Link's arms.

"Yeah, I guess I can understand that," Link finally replied. In truth, he could understand the stress with him searching for Zelda, or the 'Spirit Maiden' as Ghirahim liked to refer to her as. But, he also knew he was probably the main reason why the other was so stressed out. Ghirahim never responded, and Link was at a loss for what to say, so he felt his eyes travelling upwards, anxious to look at anything other than the male in front of him.

Okay, bad idea.

Link immediately tensed, frozen in place as his eyes found the plant that clung to the branches of the tree behind him. Of course, it really wasn't a big deal. It was just a common, invasive plant found throughout the forest, and Ghirahim probably wouldn't even see it or understand its implications. And, even if he did-

"Link, what's wrong?" A tough squeeze against his wrists and Ghirahim's concerned voice broke him out of his haze. Face burning, he immediately snapped his head down to look at the other instead.

"Nothing, I mean-I mean-I," Link took a deep breath to calm his nerves down, "Nothing's wrong!" His voice was a little too enthusiastic and his smile a little too forced for Ghirahim to take him seriously, and the demon lord's eyes went up to where Link's gaze had been fixated.

"Oh." The simple response fell from Ghirahim's lips, followed by a snort of laughter.

"Really, Skychild? A clump of mistletoe has you this worked up?" The bastard had to let go of Link's hands, so he could double over in laughter. The hero crossed his arms over his chest indignantly. "I can't believe you were so afraid that I might try to kiss you," Ghirahim managed to get out as his chuckles died down. Again, Link's face burned.

"I wasn't afraid-"

"Besides, isn't that only a holiday thing your kind does? I thought Christmas was already over on that floating rock of yours." Link paused.

"Wait, do you not celebrate the same things we do?" Link asked, his brain going a million miles a minute.

"No, we don't really celebrate much," Ghirahim explained, one again taking Link's hands which had already gotten cold from their brief separation. The blond didn't know why, but the urge to lie immediately overcame him.

"Well, Christmas isn't over yet," he blurted out, not really sure where he was going with this. Ghirahim raised an eyebrow at that.

"Is it not on the 25th?" Link earnestly shook his head at that.

"Not of this month, next month. Y'know, the first month," the hero babbled, not sure if the other was convince by his little lie.

"I guess I was misinformed," Ghirahim mused, his voice a little too smug for him to be completely clueless. "But you sound so earnest defending this topic, Skychild." Ghirahim stopped, laughing again. His hands were on Link's upper arms now, face against his shoulder as his body shook from laughter.

"So what? What is that supposed to mean?" Ghirahim's laughter slowly became under his control and he looked up at Link.

"It just," Ghirahim snooped, shaking his head as a smirk twitched at his lips. Link grew increasingly nervous that the other actually knew Christmas was over. "It just sounds like you almost want me to kiss you."

"It's," Link trailed off, not knowing what to say. He was stuck.

"It's...?" Ghirahim echoed him, egging him on to say something, to either reject the notion or welcome it.

"It's tradition," the blond finally got out. His eyes looked anywhere but to Ghirahim out of embarrassment as he practically asked the other to kiss him.

"Tradition doesn't mean that you have to do it," Ghirahim teased. Something inside the hero snapped, and if looks could kill, the demon would be a dead man.

"Ghirahim, just kiss me under the fucking mistletoe already." His outburst surprised both of them. Link stared horrified at Ghirahim who seemed taken aback. Ghirahim was the first to recover.

"Well, when you say it like that Skychild," Ghirahim let his words trail off, hands sliding up to Link's shoulders and the back of his neck. He leaned in closer until his lips were ghosting against the side of Link's face. "It doesn't sound very festive."

Link inwardly groaned as Ghirahim only kissed him quickly on the cheek before pulling away. The demon lord chuckled at his reaction. "You didn't really expect to get the full gift, right? That's only if you've made the nice list, and I don't think liars typically do."

The blond wanted to sink into the tree as he realized the other hadn't believed his lie at all. "I-"

Ghirahim held a finger to his lips, silencing him. "New Year's has already passed, but don't you have another holiday coming up? Valentines Day?" Link weakly nodded. "Clean up your act and come see me then."

Ghirahim finally relinquished his hold on the other and stepped back. Before Link had a chance to explain himself, the demon had already disappeared, leaving a disgruntled hero behind.


a/n: Happy 2018 everyone! Was the first day of the new year good for you? I got to spend it with my gf :)

Currently working on two prompts but if anyone would like to request anything else, drop a comment.

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