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A/N: This is literally just so I get practice in for writing kissing scenes. I still somehow managed to make it angsty though so beware

The first time they kissed was in the Ancient Cistern. It was succinct, tense, as if one wrong move might break both of them.

Ghirahim was scared. He had hated to admit it, but he was absolutely and completely terrified. Somewhere along their witty banter in and out of dungeons, he had grown a soft spot for the young adult that interfered in his plans. And now...

He was scared.

He was scared that Link was going to die. He was scared that Link would give up and not cross paths with the demon anymore. He was scared that Link would kill him one day.

He couldn't help but let out a breath of relief as Link finally entered the dungeon room. The hero looked a little roughed up (if not a tad emotionally scarred from the Cistern's underground ruins), but mostly fine.

He was fine.

Ghirahim found himself teleporting to a few feet in front of Link. The blond startled at his sudden appearance, but didn't draw his sword.

The demon didn't fully register what he was doing as he briskly walked up to Link. He just felt the hero's heated skin beneath his fingertips as he cupped the blond's confused and wary face. It was as if his body was being controlled by another force as he leaned down and pressed his lips to Link's.

The kiss lasted a mere two seconds. The hero tensed up, and it was as if that snapped Ghirahim back to reality. The taller male immediately pulled away, his grasp slipping off of the other. Link just stared at the ground below his feet for a second. Finally, he looked up at the other. His face was painted pink in pure embarrassment, and he had rolled his lips back into his mouth as if that could somehow prevent what had happened. He simply shook his head, eyes too nervous to meet Ghirahim's.

The demon's face fell.


The second time they kissed was in Lanayru. It was hesitant, fragile, as if one wrong breath might shatter the moment.

This time, Ghirahim felt like he was going to be sick when Link entered the dungeon room. His stomach was in knots, and he was sure he was going to vomit. After their last encounter, the demon wanted nothing more than to crawl under the covers and hide from the world.

He didn't waste energy to use magic on teleportation. He just stood glumly in the center of the room as Link stared at him. The blond opened his mouth as if to speak, but quickly shut it. Instead, he approached the sullen demon.

This time, it was Link who took Ghirahim by surprise as he grabbed onto the demon's white shirt and pulled down. Ghirahim almost jumped five feet back in shock as Link's mouth met his. Link's hands slowly made their way up to the back of Ghirahim's neck where they clung to as Ghirahim's own hands hovered awkwardly around the blond's waist.

The demon eventually recovered from his shock and kissed the hero back slowly and finally decided on grabbing the other's hips. His heart was beating so hard he was sure it was going to tear out of his chest and spew blood everywhere.

How romantic.

"I'm sorry," Link whispered against Ghirahim's lips. "about last time."

Ghirahim didn't know how to respond, so he just kissed the male against him harder.


The third time they kissed was in Eldin. It was heated, passionate, as if nothing could tear them apart.

Ghirahim let out soft mewls as the sound of slapping skin echoed across the room. Link would also let out a moan every now and then as the demon's feet would dig harsher into his back and his hips would press farther against the other. When the blond also grabbed his leaking member and started pumping it as he thrusted more harshly into the demon, Ghirahim felt himself coming undone. His legs tightened around Link, dragging him closer as he reached his orgasm, splattering cum over his stomach. Link didn't last much longer before he followed suit, collapsing on top of Ghirahim as he caught his breath.

Ghirahim absentmindedly ran his fingers through Link's hair before he tugged the other's face towards him. The hero got the message and lazily kissed the demon lord, if it could be considered that. It consisted more of clumsy teeth clinking and open mouthed pants than it did if actual kissing.

Still, Ghirahim wouldn't of had it any other way.


The last time Ghirahim kissed Link was mournful, grieving, as if he still couldn't believe he had done this.

He gingerly cradled the hero's head in his lap. The blue eyes he had fallen in love with were glazed over and those normally pink lips were tinged with blue. His skin didn't feel heated anymore. It felt cold.

Ghirahim's tears landed on Link's face, mixing with the dirt and blood. As the demon's vision blurred, he leaned down and kissed Link's lips for one last time.

A/N: this wasn't as angsty or well written as I would've liked but oh well

I think I'm going to go off of social media for a little while, maybe like a week?

I'll still post stuff or whatnot but just,,, not talk to anyone?

I promise I'm not emo oml 😂 I just don't really know how to describe what I'm feeling.

That sounded emo, didn't it???? Kms

Idk, I'm thinking about just deleting this account, GhiraLonk, LoZ_Yaoi, and creating a new account and just starting fresh with Abscond.

I might do the same thing with insta. Idk.


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