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A/N: ok, so apparently I had wrote this like a month ago and just never published it. So have this before what was supposed to be next. Modern day~

Ghirahim scowled as he ransacked his cabinets, looking for just a single mug. Link sat from a table, watching him with odd amusement as his own hands were wrapped around what appeared to be the only mug in the house.

"Hey babe,"the blond started, "have you watched the weather today?" Ghirahim shot him an annoyed look, momentarily pausing his search. Link just sipped his tea.

"When do I ever watch the weather?" Ghirahim inquired, once again continuing his search.

"I know you don't normally do, but I think you should today," the shorter male advised. He seemed smug with himself. "The forecaster was saying it's going to be a little mug-gy today."

Ghirahim paused his actions before slamming the cabinet door shut. He didn't have time for his boyfriend's antics. "I swear to Hylia Link, if you put all of our mugs in our front yard just to make that horrendous pun, we're over!" Ghirahim howled, stomping to the front door.

Sure enough, he was greeted with the sight of all their mugs scattered in the front yard. One of their neighbors was staring curiously from their window. Ghirahim quickly retreated into the house, not wanting to explain why their fine china was outside.

"We are so over!" Ghirahim screamed as he stormed back into the kitchen where Link sat, smug with himself.

"But we can't be," Link stated matter-of-factly. Ghirahim felt a nerve pop.

"And why not?" He seethed.

"You said we were over if all of the mugs were in our front yard," the blond said smug. He then help up the mug he was drinking from. Ghirahim narrowed his eyes.

Well played SkyChild.

A/N: So I really wanna read Stronger by ForestTemple but I still haven't played BotW and don't wanna be spoiled. :( (Its Ghiralink, and you should go check it out if you haven't)

Also, I'm sorry for the slow updates on all of my stories, but it takes a yearrrr to write now for some reason. Anyone have tips for Writer's block?

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Go check out my if ya have one. It's JohnEggSalad

Plz don't ask about that name.

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