Flower Boy

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A/N: inspired by the fictional hanahaki disease: where a plant grows inside someone because of one sided love. The victim of the disease will cough and vomit flower petals as the flower continues to grow until eventually killing the victim. Enjoy :))))

It had gotten so much worse.

He had gone from hiccuping a blue petal out every now and then to keeling over the toilet every night. His eyes would water as leaves scratched his throat, and petals filled the toilet. The first time he had woken up with a bud on his shoulder, he had screamed. His fingers had torn the sprout off, not caring about the pain that had accompanied it as blood stained his skin. Now, the flowers were in full bloom across his shoulders and collar bones, peeking over the edge of his tunic.

He didn't care anymore. No matter what he did, he was still going to meet the same grisly fate. He may as well just try to rescue Zelda before the plant inside of him crushed his organs.

The only problem with that plan, however, was his condition grew dramatically worse whenever he crossed swords with the Demon Lord. Just thinking about him made petals waterfall out of Link's mouth. Worse yet, Ghirahim knew exactly what, or in this case who, caused his sickness. Link couldn't exactly hide how petals would clog his throat or how the flowers growing on his body would tilt towards the other, as if he was the sun, during their battles.

"I'm flattered SkyChild, I really am," Ghirahim purred. Link couldn't speak. All he could do was dumbly stare at the other as Ghirahim cupped one of the flowers sprouting off of his shoulder. "But frankly, I'm just not interested." The blond let out a whimper as Ghirahim plucked the plant from his body, tearing his skin. His stomach lurched as he watched the demon flick the flower to the ground and immediately doubled over, puking more of the plant up.

Link shook his head, trying to expel the bad memory before nausea could make another appearance. However, the further Link progressed through Eldin's dungeon, the more his stomach twisted into knots. He had a hunch that the flamboyant demon would make an appearance before he could get his hands on the third Sacred Flame.

His heart had dropped down into his stomach by the time he reached the final door in the dungeons. There was little he could do to steady his shaking hands as he slowly swung the door. However, the room seemed to be empty as the door opened and he walked in.

"So how's the garden doing?" Ghirahim asked as he materialized in front of the hero. Link's eyes widened, and before he could put a hand over his mouth, he coughed petals into Ghirahim's face. "Charming," Ghirahim deadpanned.

"It's not like it's my fault," Link shot back, immediately getting defensive. Ghirahim just rolled his eyes.

"Whose fault is it then? It's certainly not mine," Ghirahim snapped back. Link opened his mouth to give a retort, but Ghirahim cut him off. "In the name of Hylia, Link, it's not my fucking fault! No one told you to go and fall in love with your enemy!" Link's face fell.

"You act like falling for you was a conscious decision I made. Do you not understand that I want to hate you, but I can't?!" Link's voice broke, and he looked down as Ghirahim glared at him.

"Such a weak child," Ghirahim sadistically teased. He roughly grabbed the blond's chin, forcing Link to look at him. The boy's breath hitched as Ghirahim leaned down, his lips tantalizingly close. Link's heart hammered in his chest as he hoped and hoped. Finally, Ghirahim released his grip and walked away. "Isn't it a shame that Hylia made you humans with such fragile hearts?"

This time when Link puked, blood came up alongside the petals.

I promise the next one won't be angst.

Okay, okay, okay, okay, I just have two things to say

1) I'm using my personal insta right now to talk to and follow some of you guys but that's kinda been a thorn in my side. The reason being, everyone from school can see when I comment



"Plz,,,, kick me,,, in the face"

So if I made an insta where I just posted zelda crap, my failures of fan art, rants about my stories, but mostly just zelda crap, would anyone follow it? Like, I just want to have somewhere I can get to know and talk to you guys, so yeah,,,

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