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ThiS iS A FrieNdlY PSa fOr THOSe oF YoU intEResTed in wRitiNG SMuT

Even if you're writing about two guys, there's this magical thing called the condom. Not only does it help females from getting pregnant, it stops the transferring of sexual diseases. Now, if the partners in your story have been in a relationship for a while and have both consented that they're willing to take the risk or have gotten cleared by their doctor, then feel free to not have them use a condom. BUT GOD, IF THEYRE HOOKING UP PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF PETE USE A CONDOM Also, for those of you that don't know, there's such thing as a female condom for the lady pairings. It is possible, after all, to get an std from going down on a girl.

Stay safe kiddos : )

Also, lube exists. It comes in a tube and makes things better. You know what lube isn't?
-Saliva (srsly stop using this as lube)
-Food (plz stop shoving frosting up his ass)
-Blood (I shouldn't even have to explain this)
-Natural Lubricating Fluid (Honey, I wish that existed)
So please, I beg of you, use lube as lube in your story. We don't want anyone tearing.

Thank you, this has been a PSA.

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