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It was scary how he could go from feeling his best to feeling nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

There were no 'middle ground' emotions. He just went from being happy to feeling hollow. There was no sadness, no anger, no guilt, no anything. There was nothing. It was as if static filled his veins instead of blood, filling him with swollen nothingness.

"Good morning," a familiar voice murmured sleepily against his neck. Link blinked as sunlight started to lazily trickle through the curtains. "How are you feeling?" The blond's words got caught in his throat as the demon traced feather light patterns against his stomach. Ghirahim saw the tears slip down his face before Link even realize he was actually crying.

He just wanted to feel something, anything.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ghirahim leaned over the other worriedly, gently combing his fingers through Link's hair. Link sniffled. How did you explain to someone that you couldn't feel anything anymore? That you couldn't even muster up the energy to love them back, or even hate them? That everything was just neutral to you?

"Nothing," Link said, muffled against his pillow. Of course, like everything in the world, Link could put a name on what was bothering him. The doctors had whispered about it to themselves as he had been rushed to the hospital after trying to kill himself. His therapist had recommended medication for it afterwards. His parents had been afraid to say the name of the common mental disorder, just as much as they were afraid to admit their son was a boy because of what his birth certificate said.

"Please don't lie to me," Ghirahim whispered pleadingly. Link just hid his face into his pillow more as his body started to jerk with his cries. Ghirahim rubbed the other's side, feeling utterly useless as his boyfriend's sobs echoed around the room.

"I'm sorry,' Link managed to gasp out once most of his tears subsided. He didn't know what he was apologizing for, but he felt that he needed to.

"It's okay," Ghirahim consoled as he hugged the other closer. "It's okay." As much as the other reassured him everything was going to be fine, Link knew it wasn't going to be. He was suffocating under his own skin, just wanting to tear it open to have clarity for at least one second. He needed to feel something, and at this point, he didn't care what. Anything would do.

He just needed to feel something.

A/N: :,)

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