Get Out

409 16 7

A/n: High school au, trigger warning for mentions of self harm and eating disorders

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"You know that doesn't help, right?" If looks could kill, Ghirahim would most certainly be dead.

"Thank you for your everlasting words of wisdom," Link sarcastically replied. The blond grumbled and shook his head before his eyes finally returned to the textbook in his hands. As Ghirahim continued to stare at him, he shifted uncomfortably on his bed, eventually choosing to sit cross legged.

"Why do you do it?" Link agitatedly shut the textbook as Ghirahim scooted closer to him on the bed. They were at his house to work on a project, not discuss his undesirable quirks for Hylia's sake.

"Momentary relief," he snipped. It was the closest thing to the truth that Ghirahim had ever been able to pull out of him. Link stared at the other, waiting for another frivolous question but none came. With a sigh, he cracked open his textbook again.

"But, why-"

"Why do you care!" The poor textbook was thrown off the bed as Link's annoyance finally boiled over to anger. No one from school had ever given him this much grief over the topic, not even his best friend Zelda.

"I don't want you to die," Ghirahim's voice lowered, his eyes downcast. Link didn't know what to say. The bastard had always been so cocky in their conversations, and seeing him look so defeated broke something inside of Link.

"I'm not going to kill myself," Link tried to laugh at the end of the statement, but his voice fell flat. The life had practically been sucked out of the room.

"I'm not worried about that, Link. I'm worried that one day you're going to get too stressed out, that one day you're going to accidentally push yourself too far-"

"I'll be careful," Link promised. The words were meant to sooth, but provided the exact opposite response.

"Is there anything careful about cutting yourself?" The blond looked away from the other, jaw tense. Ghirahim took another stab. "Is there anything careful about burning yourself so much that you can't even sleep comfortably anymore because all of the blisters that rub against your sheets? Is there anything careful about starving yourself for two weeks to lose twenty pounds and then eating like your life depends on it the next two? Please, pray tell Link, is there anything careful about-"

"Get out," Link whispered. If anything, Ghirahim pressed closer.

"You don't do anything carefully, Link. You take everything to the extreme to the point where you can't have a healthy relationship with anything," Ghirahim seethed.

"Get out!" Link screamed it this time, whipping his head around to face the other male. Tears were just starting to brim in his eyes, and Ghirahim couldn't help himself.

"Fine, I'll leave," the taller male snarled, hopping off the bed and gathering his things into his bookbag. "I'll leave you alone so you can retreat into the shower and slit your wrists. All I can say is I hope you miss your arteries."

The door had already slammed shut behind Ghirahim as Link screamed at him to get out again.

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a/n: {insert long, drawn out vent of what inspired this story here}

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