I Love You

438 15 7

a/n: trigger warning for implications of self harm

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"It's the day before Christmas Eve though. It's Christmas Eve's Eve!" Excitement coursed through Link's voice as he tried to brighten the other's mood. However, Ghirahim still looked downcast, eyes staring at nothing in particular. The blond could still tell the other was paying attention by how his eyelids would flutter rapidly at times. It was just one of his anxious tics. "You were clean for almost two years, why now?" His voice was more somber this time, and Ghirahim looked at him.

"This is the worst time of the year, Link. Everyone's so happy and festive, and everyone expects you to feel the same way, but I can't. I haven't been able to for three or four years now. It's not fair," Ghirahim muttered out. His finger curled around the edge of the chair he was sitting in, trying to focus on the rough wood and not the million of other things going on around him.

Like the rain drumming on the roof.

The incessant humming of the laptop propped open in the room.

The sensation of the smooth floor against his bare feet.

The increasing volume of Link's voice.

The painful stings on his stomach and thighs.

He gripped the chair harder as his eyelids fluttered again. Too much was going on around him, and it was utterly overwhelming. His breathing grew more shallow and fast as he desperately tried to avert his attention to just one thing.

"Ghirahim." The voice was calm yet assertive, pushing its way through all of the demon's intrusive thoughts.

He exhaled before timidly opening his eyes, almost afraid that he'd be ambushed by all of the sensations again.However, they didn't come back for the time being. Ghirahim was much too focused on Link's eyes, how they reflected the light casted by the flickering lamp and especially how they seemed much more closer than they were before he had his fit.

"Ghirahim," This time a hand on his shoulder followed the word, and the trance broke. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Ghirahim said, shrugging his shoulders. Link gave a small sigh of defeat.

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a/n: so in September I made plans with a friend that I'd do "the 12 Days Of Angstmas" in this oneshot book during December. However, I didn't have enough time to consecutively write 12 angsty oneshots, so yawll are just getting bombarded now I guess.

In case you haven't heard it today:

•log off the computer + shut off your phone, your brain needs to be away from a screen for one hour before it can rest properly

•i know it's winter break, but get some sleep, your body needs it

•even if it's too chilly outside rn, do some light walking around the house, don't stay in bed all day

•and while you're up, get a glass of water

•i love you all

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