Halloween Candy

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A/n: unfinished but I dint know how to end it and I gotta post it before Halloween's over so...

The fact that Zelda put him in a situation like this was unbelievable. She sent him out for last minute candy shopping on Halloween. Trying to navigate the holiday themed section was like fighting your way through a zombie apocalypse, but instead of wielding guns, you're just bashing into other people with shopping carts.

If the violent crowds weren't bad enough, locating candy was a whole other situation. The sweets had been almost obliterated by other last minute shoppers. Shelves had been cleaned through, and candy corn was suspiciously smeared onto the floors. That's why when his hand and someone else's grabbed what appeared to be the last bag of chocolate at the same time, Link felt his temper snap.

"I don't care how upset your kids are going to be. I need this more than you, Helen," the short male snapped, expecting the other to be one of the many procrastinator moms. However, when he realized it was another guy around his own age, his cheeks burned hot from embarrassment.

"The name's Ghirahim, not Helen," the stranger laughed. Link's nerves calmed a bit at the lightheartedness in the tone. However, when he suddenly felt the bag of chocolates snatched from him, he felt his temper steadily rising again. "But, I really do need these."

"Hey! Those are mine!" Link yelled, indignation clear in his voice. He went ignored though as Ghirahim had already turned around and walking away with the candy. Link huffed, speeding up to walk by the other. "Listen, I don't know who you think you are-"

"I find your persistence charming, but you're not getting the candy," Ghirahim interrupted. "I'm sure with your cute face that you could just pester a group of girls for theirs." Link was too furious to take that as a compliment.

"You stole that from me! You're-you're a thief!" That drew a chuckle out of the taller male, only infuriating the blond more.

"What's your name?" The question threw Link off guard.

"We are in a dire crisis, and you're asking for my name?"

"Yes, your name. If you want the candy, that is." The blond had no idea how his name tied into candy, but he wasn't taking chances. He needed that chocolate.

"It's Link. Now, can I have my candy back?" Link held a hand out in annoyance, expecting Ghirahim to hand over the prize. However, the other simply grabbed his hand. Link looked down in annoyance at their intertwined fingers before quickly pulling his hand away.

"I need this candy too y'know. I can't just give it away to you," Ghirahim drawled teasingly. "It'll come at a price."

I carved Ghirahim into a pumpkin.

🤷‍♂🤷‍♂🤷‍♂🤷‍♂🤷‍♂🤷‍♂I carved Ghirahim into a pumpkin

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Happy Halloween

Ghiralink DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now