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A/N: The 'S' stands for Safe-Wholesome-And-Consenting Verse.

In other words, I promise this is not another trashy slave/spandex verse story. Just bare with me during the first seven paragraphs please.

It had been his final fight. He remembered Demise telling him to follow the demon when he thought he was ready. He had foolishly dashed into the battle without even healing himself from his prior skirmish with Ghirahim. And, as the hero strained to lift his sword overhead for a skyward strike, he knew he had been entirely too foolish.

His movements were slow, as if he was trudging through water instead of standing on top of it. He remembered his blue eyes widening in fear as Demise swung his own hefty sword. He could still recall the earth shattering pain that ripped across his torso as that damned blade dug into his skin, his chain mail giving no resistance. That sword hadn't been designed to kill; it was designed to torture. His vision flickered for a moment as he was violently thrust to the ground. However, he didn't die. It was as if, he couldn't. His unbreakable spirit just wouldn't let him die while Zelda was still on the brink of death herself. However, he knew he was done for as Demise lifted his sword again, preparing to deal the final strike.

"Any last words Hero?" The demon's low voice grumbled. Link wanted to yell and scream, and more than anything, he wanted to berate the demon king for using such cliched words. However, he didn't have the energy left to speak. His eyes shook as he was sure he was about to watch himself die. However, another voice broke the tense silence.

"Master!" Ghirahim called out from his residence in the sword. Demise paused, narrowing his eyes. "Don't kill the Hero."

Demise laughed, however, it was more of hysterical screaming in disbelief. "I'm being serious!" Ghirahim's voice stated firmer. "Why would you kill him when we can keep him as a trophy?" At that, Demise calmed down. Finally, he relinquished his hold on the sword and it dissolved into diamonds, reappearing into the form of Ghirahim. The demon was still in his final form with the diamond smashed wide open.

The demon walked over to where Link was still laying on the ground, bleeding out. Ghirahim bent over him, examine his ever paling face. After a moment of hesitation, the demon fisted a bunch of his blond hair and yanked him up to a sitting position. Link was too tired and distraught to react to the unfriendly touch. "Please Master, we can keep him as a pet," Ghirahim pleaded.

Link passed out soon after, not hearing the reluctant 'fine' Demise eventually growled out.


When Link came to, he was not laying on the ground. Instead, he was in a bed. The second thing he noticed, was the man sitting in front of him on the bed. The hero immediately bawled the covers around him, as if that might protect him against whatever onslaught the demon had planned.

"We don't have much time, and we certainly can't be wasting it on you being scared of me," Ghirahim deadpanned. "And since when, was the Hero scared of me anyways?"

"What are you talking about?" Link shot back.

"If you want to save your precious friend before the rest of her soul perishes, we don't have much time," the demon repeated.

"Zelda?" Link gasped out, having temporarily forgetting about her in his sleepy haze.

"Good, you do remember. I was starting to get worried you had gone brain dead," Ghirahim snapped before sighing out. "Look, there's still time left if you want to save her, but not much."

Link's eyes narrowed. "You're lying to me."

"I know we aren't exactly on the best of terms with the whole stabbing each other thing, but you're just going to have to trust me on this thing," the demon pleaded.

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