Band Drama

349 24 11

a/n: modern day, high school band setting

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Ghirahim didn't notice Link walk in at first. His eyes were too trained onto the music stand in front of him, and his ears were too focused on nitpicking the intonation of his instrument. His fingers, adorned with small calluses at the tips, flowed effortlessly over the keys of the silver instrument as his body absentmindedly swayed to the beat of the piece. It wasn't until he took an awry breath, messing up the phrasing, that he noticed the blond. He was leaning on a music stand, eyes closed, as he listened to the other play. However, the cerulean eyes blinked open, trying to figure out why the music had stopped.

"You sounded beautiful," Link sighed out, leaning more of his weight onto the music stand. Ghirahim watched it witch concern as it tilted, threatening to let Link fall. "Where's the rest of the flute section? Isn't the point of sectionals to practice together?"

Ghirahim grimaced, blowing a note through the instrument, before answering the question. "They all left within ten minutes of practice to talk. They always do," he explained, exasperation lacing in his voice. His eyes snapped to Link's, suspicious about the blond's own whereabouts. "What about the saxophone section? Have you abandoned them?"

"No," the blond drawled out, looking off to the side. Ghirahim faintly realized the boy's face was streaked with red trails, tear stains. "I was the only one that even started to practice."

Ghirahim didn't respond, and Link didn't talk. Instead, the sophomore went back to playing his flute, and Link went back to listening. Ghirahim's eyes would flit from the sheet music then up to the junior every so often, afraid that he would begin to cry again. Ghirahim never knew how to handle crying.

"What's wrong?" The words seem to leave his mouth before he even knew he was putting his flute down. Link's eyes snapped back open, and Ghirahim could see him gulp out of anxiety. However, as he always did, Link slapped on a forced smile and quipped laughter.

"What are you talking about?" He cocked his head playfully, bangs falling into his face. For a second, Ghirahim almost believed that he was overreacting and that nothing was wrong with Link. However, the small sniffle that followed the action gave him the confidence to keep going.

"You've been crying", he stated matter-of-factly. Link raised a hand to his face, fingers rubbing at his cheeks, before he let out a long breath.

"You wouldn't want to know," Link rebuffed, standing up from his leaning position.

"You say that every single time," Ghirahim thought aloud. "Why?" Link scratched at his arm for a heavy moment, debating whether to answer the question or not. Ghirahim made a sound of disapproval as the other picked at his arm, causing a drop of blood to stain the skin.

"Because half of the time that something's wrong it's about you," Link deadpanned.
Ghirahim visibly stiffened, and Link grew quiet. Neither of the said a word as Ghirahim brought the flute to his mouth once again and began to play. This time, however, he couldn't focus on the music. His brows knitted together in frustration as he kept getting off beat and rushing the tempo. As much as he tried to only think about the piece in front of him, Link's words rang in his head, taunting him. What had he done?

Him and Link used to be so close. They grew from strangers to best friends and then to something more. He used to make Link falter and blush whenever he glanced his way. Now, the boy avoided eye contact with him some days, other days choosing to acknowledge Ghirahim in an anxious silence.

What had he done?

Ghirahim tried to hit a note in the upper register. Normally, he's be able to flow through it with ease. However, the note rang sharp from a lack of proper air support.

"I'm sorry. It actually wasn't about you today," Link apologized, voice sounding withdrawn. Ghirahim put down the instrument once more.

"I don't believe you," he replied, voice barely coming out over a whisper. Link shook his head, making his neck strap jangle without the weight of his own instrument to hold it down.

"No, seriously, it's just drum major drama," Link assured.

"Was my name mentioned?" Ghirahim asked, not knowing if he wanted to hear the answer. Their quiet band normally only had one junior try out for the position of drum major. This year three people were trying out: himself, Link, and one other girl. Because of the increase in competition, there was a tangible amount of unrest in the band along with gossip and drama. People thought Ghirahim was unqualified because he was the youngest trying out, but Link still got it the worst.

"Not today," Link said, relief washing into his voice before becoming annoyed. "Why? Do they normally try to tear you down?" Link looked mad, and Ghirahim didn't want to cause anymore drama.

"No," he lied. "They focus the most on you." The temporary anger faded away from the blond's expression, and Ghirahim cracked a small smile. "I've been working on this duet-"

"Is that what you were working on?" Link interjected, thankful for the change in topic. Ghirahim nodded. "It's sounds gorgeous."

Ghirahim shrugged. "It sounds decent, but I don't have anyone to play it with," he admitted, looking expectantly at the other.

"If i knew how to play the flute-" Ghirahim held up a hand, and Link stopped talking. The sophomore dug through the sheet music in his music folder until he found the piece he was looking for. Without a word, he handed it over the stand to Link.

"I already transposed the part for an alto saxophone," he explained, not able to help the smug undertone that came out. Link was grinning from ear to ear.

"Hold on, I'll go get my instrument!"

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a/n: not sure if I've already said this, but thx for 16k reads ✨

Also, could people stop reading monochrome plz and thx. I'm going to rewrite it (hopefully over the summer). Read raindrops! It's honestly my child. I would die for it. Although, I haven't reread it in awhile, so I might view it as cringe now?

For new readers of Chance, I don't really plan on finishing it.

I know I'm forgetting something, ugh.

I'm currently working on a pt. 2 to Don't Pull My Hair, and I'm trying to decide whether to condense the rest into one part, of make another additional part. Any preferences?


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