Flower Boy (Version 2)

447 23 29

a/n: I've had this done for at least a month but I don't see it posted anywhere? Did I seriously forget about it???


"Listen, you better fall out of love with me. No- don't look at me like that- it's not because I care about you. Its because I want to kill you, and I can't have a flower ruining that."

Link thought about that a lot. He sincerely wished there was some magic potion that would make the vicious plant inside him wither, but nothing helped. He had tried everything.

However, now was not the time and place to be silently pining.

The hero's fingers twitched around his hilt as Ghirahim stalked around him. Link had been trying to receive his first sacred flame from the temple in Faron, but had managed to stumble upon the demon. Out of surprise, he had immediately drawn his sword, but Ghirahim had yet to strike at or speak to him. It was unnerving to say the least.

"Why?" The taller male finally asked, stopping in front of Link. The blond's eyes darted down, suddenly feeling put-on-the-spot. Ghirahim crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for an answer.

"Well, I mean," Link let out a frustrated sigh, "I know you wouldn't be causing this much destruction if you weren't bound to your master or whatever. Of course, even if I think that, I still feel like a traitor, like I'm somehow betraying Hylia." Ghirahim's fingers drummed against his arm in annoyance.

"But that's not a reason. I want a reason. I want to know why you always cough petals into my face when we meet in battle," Ghirahim gushed out. "I don't understand how you could even like me. All I've done is insulted and tried to kill you on numerous occasions."

"But you haven't. You healed me and saved me from dying after I faced scaldera. And yeah, that's probably a really bad reason to fall for someone I'm supposed to hate, but I don't know what else it could be. It's not like i woke up one day and was like 'Gee, Ghirahim's pretty hot' of my own free will," Link ranted out after he sheathed his sword. An amused grin broke the demon's annoyed facade.

"You think I'm hot?" Ghirahim snickered out. Link threw his hands up into the air out of exasperation.

"Of course I think you're hot. If I didn't, we wouldn't be having this problem," Link shouted. As if on cue, his stomach suddenly twisted and he bent over, retching twigs and blue petals onto the ground. As he felt a hand on his shoulder, the vomiting grew worse. By the time he could stand up and face Ghirahim, a small pile of dead plants was at his feet.

"Is it always that bad?" The other asked. Link shook his head as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"No, it just gets a lot worse when I'm around you," he admitted. Ghirahim didn't respond and an awkward silence soon filled the room. Link didn't speak or move, afraid that might cause the demon to take his hand off of his shoulder.

However, the hero let out a startled grunt as the hand on his shoulder tightened and he was turned to fully face the demon. He stiffened as Ghirahim's fingers traced his jawline, slowly sliding down his throat until it landed at the back of his neck. Link's own hands hung fidgety and confused at his sides. He bit his tongue, trying to calm his sudden wave of nausea. Ghirahim was too close to him; he really didn't want to cough out petals onto his face, but it was getting hard not to as he felt their noses awkwardly bump against each other.

The demon let out a low chuckle as Link's lips slightly parted. "Cute," he whispered before finally closing the gap between them. The blond stiffened as he feel Ghirahim's lips meet his own. He couldn't tell whether to be euphoric that he was finally kissing Ghirahim or to be appalled that he was about to vomit petals into the demon's mouth. As Ghirahim's hand harshly gripped his hair and the kiss became more open mouth, Link's eyes finally fluttered closed and he relaxed somewhat. However, his panic soon made a comeback as his stomach violently lurched. Ghirahim either didn't notice the blond's feeble attempt to break the kiss or didn't care, and Link thought he was going to die of embarrassment as azure petals suddenly pushed past his lips. The demon pulled away, and the hero craved death as he spit out the petals in his mouth and watched Ghirahim do the same.

"What was that for?" Link accused, trying to save some of his injured pride.

"Science," the demon muttered, grimacing at the sickly sweet aftertaste in his mouth. Ghirahim soon disappeared after that, saying he had bigger, more important places to be leaving Link alone and confused.


As they continued to run into each other, it seemed that lips took the place of swords and shields were substituted for flirtatious remarks. Sometimes there would be teeth, making the blond putty in the other's hands (as if he wasn't already). Other times there were roaming hands that made Link shy away and deny Ghirahim's advances. And most of the time, there were no petals. It was something that Link hadn't noticed until Ghirahim brought it up.


Link couldn't remember why he was in Faron, only that he was very glad he had decided to wander the woods that day.

Ghirahim ran a hand under the blond's undershirt as his mouth sucked along Link's throat. The hero furrowed his eyebrows as a small frown sat on his lips. It always went like this. They'd kiss, something simple and innocent, but Ghirahim always found a way to turn it more heated and dirty. As he opened his mouth to protest, the demon let out a small tutt.

"It seems you've been neglecting your garden. It's quite a shame. It was beginning to look so pretty," the demon shook his head as if he was upset, but from his tone and the smile on his face, it was obvious the contrary was true. However, the words didn't quite register in Link's brain.

"What are you talking about?" Ghirahim's hand ran along Link's back until he found a small bud. Without any warning, he plucked it off. It was too small to actually tear the skin any, but it still felt as if someone had just ripped a piece of duct tape off of the hero's back. Link gave a small yelp, jerking away and pushing more into Ghirahim.

"I was talking about this," the other said as he flicked the weed away. Link stood dumbstruck for a moment before hesitantly running his hands along his abdomen. He wasn't sure how he had failed to notice all the flowers on his body wither away to only a few buds.

"I don't understand," Link breathed out, "I still love you." Ghirahim rolled his eyes.

"And I love you too, Link," he whispered before pulling the other into another kiss.


a/n: I love this fictional disease too much for it to be healthy

Also thank you for 12K reads ✨

I really need to practice writing smut because I haven't done it in awhile, and boy, I don't want to have no idea what I'm doing and write something absolutely terrible for Abscond. So if anyone has a prompt I could write involving that, that'd be gr8

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