Flower Boy (Version 3)

365 14 12

a/n: trigger warning for self harm


No, this wouldn't do.

Ghirahim stood waist deep in one of the intertwine rivers of Faron. While the air was warm and the sun beat nicely down upon him, the water had yet to get the memo that it should be warm as well and sent goosebumps up his arms and back. His hands wandered aimlessly over his own body, fingers tracing every bump and dip of his skin, gripping every budding flower that sprouted from his skin.

No, this wouldn't do at all.

His grip tightened on one of the pesky weeds above his bellybutton and ripped it out. He barely flinched as his skin tore with the flower, blood trickling down his navel and into the water. His fingers trembled and the flower fell, sinking into the water below, as his other hand already grabbed another sprout, tearing it off.
He relished in the pain, the blood that flowed into the water, staining Hylia's precious creation. He was selfish and deserved every ounce of pained the plant inside his body delivered upon him.

The demon lost track of time and soon enough red petals littered the water. His hands continued to groped his body until they couldn't find anymore weeds. Then, they dug into the wounds, picking and pulling, making the gashes open wider.

"Ghirahim!" Finally, his self mutilation stopped as his head slightly turned to face the voice. Link was already taking off his boots and rolling up his pants, ready to wade in. The demon felt a wave of nausea hit him, petals churning low in his stomach. Still, he said nothing. Link's lips were tight, eyebrows drawn together as he waded in. Petals clung to his wet legs, but he didn't make a motion to peel them off yet. Ghirahim watched, uninterested. "What am I going to do with you?" The hero finally muttered.

Ghirahim had a few things come into his mind about what he'd like Link to do to him but decided to keep that to himself. "Just let me bleed, Skychild. I deserve it for being weak."

The demon's hands grew fidgety, clawing at his abdomen again, but Link grabbed his wrists. "Ghirahim, stop it. You don't deserve any of this." He snorted at that.

"Just let me die, Hero." Ghirahim thought it would be better to bleed out from fighting the flower than wait for it to slowly feed off of and kill him. Link, however, did not like that plan.

"Stop being an idiot. A flower isn't going to kill you," Link reprimanded, taking Ghirahim's hand and guiding him out of the water. The demon was too tired to care about keeping his modesty, and just conjured a pair of boxers onto himself before the waning water fully exposed him. Once they reached dried land, Ghirahim flopped onto the ground, not caring about his injuries and the fact he probably shouldn't dirty them. Link shook his head, watching the other lay on the ground.

"Be a valiant Hero and put me out of my misery," Ghirahim mumbled, not sure if the other could even hear him. He could already feel new sprouts testing his skin, wanting to poke out and grow. Link sat down beside him.

"And how do I do that?" Ghirahim looked at Link out of the corner of his eye. The blond was looking down, seemingly nervous.

"A sword through the heart would be nice," he replied. Apparently, that wasn't the answer the other was looking for.

"There's other ways for you to kill that thing without offing yourself in the process!" Link's face was burning bright red, and he still wouldn't fully look at the other.

"There's one other way Skychild," Ghirahim snarled. "And I'd rather you not tease me like that." There was no response for awhile, and Ghirahim squeezed his eyes shut. His head was pounding, whether from stress of this damned flower or stress from Link, he wasn't sure.

"Maybe, I'm not," Link finally answered. Ghirahim didn't know how to respond to that, and his fingers curved into his wounds again, looking for the familiar pain to ground him, to help him clear his mind.

Except, no answers came to his mind this time. He was only rewarded with a mouthful of petals and blood as Link finally gave up and left him to be.


a/n: 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

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