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A/N: chubby!Ghirahim

There were just those time that he couldn't stand to look at himself in the mirror.

The way his stomach protruded, the way his thighs were squished together, the stretch marks that ran across his outer thighs...

He hated all of it. He couldn't be comfortable or confident in his own skin; it weighed him down. He couldn't see himself as attractive or, even at times, worthy of anything.

The demon didn't have an eating disorder per se, but there were times he just couldn't bring himself to eat. Ghirahim was an extremist, totally black and white. He'd go from binging for a few months to making sure he didn't eat any more than 500 calories for a couple of weeks. He had to where he could lose a pound a day, but something always broke him after three weeks. He'd go back to pigging out until he hit the same weight again, and the vicious cycle started all over again.

The demon let out a sigh as he squeezed the fat on his hips. Maybe this time would be different, maybe he wouldn't break...

Ghirahim shook his head at his reflection in the mirror. He knew he'd break after that first 20 pounds, like he always did.

He was weak.

A/N: lmao I'm sorry for making all of my oneshots just vents of my life now,,,

I need to go prompt hunting!

@ all of the people that aren't reading Stronger by ForestTemple

Umm,, what are you doing with your lives. This fic is literally my all time favorite GhiraLink and it's super under appreciated???

I don't understand????

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