Bih lasagna

294 8 10

Not to be dramatic but-

We need a counter for all the times that I promise to come back and update regularly and then don't. But senior year is really hectic guys. As soon as I finished college applications, I had to start scholarship applications and ack.

But hey, I got accepted into my first choice college, so that's nifty.

But apparently at some point in the recent past, there was a 'leak' that Skyward Sword might get an HD Switch remake? Is that true? Because boi, I need that in my life.

But speaking of Zelda and my downhill slope with this account... I feel like the reason I don't have the motivation anymore to keep up with my works is because I haven't played SS in like two years now. Frankly, I don't even really remember what happens between Ghirahoe and Lunk which is kinda saddening. That game used to be such a big part of my life.

So I'm at this point where:
a) I really wanna finish Abscond but don't have the current will to do so
b) Want to branch off into other fandoms but know my core audience I currently have wouldn't be appreciative of that
c) Also weirdly have this plot I really like for a GhiraLink fic but don't think I'll ever actually write it

I have no idea what I'm going to do long story short.

Also, apparently I wrote a GhiraLink fic called The Bird That Couldn't Fly on an alt account, and I honest to god? Don't remember it? In the back of my mind, I'm like, yeah, I wrote that, but I don't remember it? Dear god, what was it about? Do I even wanna know? Yikes.

Should I do an art or cosplay book thing? Something that'd be easy to update for now, so I don't fall off the face of this platform while I decide what to do? Idk.

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