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A/N: This was going to be a scene in Abscond but I decided against putting it in there. Um, there's a slight Abscond spoiler if you squint really hard?

"You are truly terrible at naming your horses," the demon lord scoffed, folding his arms over his chest. Link paid Ghirahim no mind like normal. His companion always seemed to be aggravated at one thing or another.

"Was Ghirahoe not a good name?" Link signed. That just seemed to worsen the other's mood.

"Of course it wasn't a good name," he yelled, throwing his hands in the air out of aggravation. "And neither was Gary Hams!"

Link snorted in amusement, enjoying the man's tantrum. As peculiar as it seemed, he found the other to appear more endearing when he was mad. The way his chocolate eyes would glint when he knew he had won an argument or how his stomach-length hair swayed with his jerky, aggravated motions made it even more difficult for Link to direct his attention anywhere other than Ghirahim.

"Where is Milkshake anyways?" Ghirahim spat out, all but hissing the horse's name. Link looked behind them, growing slightly worried at the absence of his horse. He hadn't been paying much attention to her since they departed on their journey to the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab. "See? You should've just boarded her at a stable like I told you to."

Link sarcastically mouthed the demon's words, only causing Ghirahim to glare at him even harder. He let out a sigh before putting two fingers to his mouth and letting out a low whistle. Almost immediately, the two could hear hooves pounding the ground as Milkshake galloped to meet Link in excitement.

However, in the horse's eagerness, she didn't have enough time to slow down when she got to Link's side and instead went skydiving down the cliff side.

Link stared down in horror, not believing what he just saw. Ghirahim, however, snickered. "If I had a name like Milkshake, I'd kill myself too."

That earned the demon a smack on his shoulder.

A/N: I have so much to say oml

1: sorry for not updating all that recently, I've had a lot going on. There just hasn't been much time where I've had the willpower to write

2: I'm definitely finishing Abscond :)

3: I turn 16 tomorrow guys aghhh, much excite

4: I finally got BotW and everyone's over exaggerating smh. Gaurdians aren't that bad.

5: this was based on a true story of my BotW experience #ripmilkshake


7: I'm Blue

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