8. Feelings for him?

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I woke up next to Chris, we were both facing each other although Chris was still asleep. I smiled to myself, how come I always end up with Chris sleeping in the same bed? Not that I minded, although I knew I couldn't think like that, we were friends, that's all. 

Chris stirred a bit in his sleep, leaving a pained expression on his face. I looked at his face and couldn't contain myself so I traced the lines on his forehead. His expression quickly changed into a relaxed one, he even smiled in his sleep. Chris stirred again and opened his eyes slowly, my fingers were still on his forehead. I quickly moved my hand from his face, but he already noticed it. Chris chuckled at my behaviour. 

"Good morning to you too Tilly," Chris told me in his morning voice, I smiled at him. 

"Good morning Chris," I smiled at him, my voice sounding groggy as I spoke. Chris closed his eyes again, snuggling closer in the blanket. I smiled to myself and got out of the bed, ready to shower. 

When I was ready I walked back into the room, hoping to find Chris out of bed but I couldn't be more wrong. Chris was still laying in my bed, now snoring lightly, I chuckled to myself and went to the coffee machine to prepare some coffee for the two of us. As I turned around I saw Chris standing there. 

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked as my cheeks turned red. Chris chuckled. 

"Not too long," he answered my question as he sat down, ready to drink. I gave him his cup as I sat down as well. 

As we finished our coffee Chris told me he wanted to take a walk with Dodger since he didn't get to see him yesterday. I told him to do so, but he asked me to come with him. I refused, thinking of all the cleaning I still had to do in my hotel room, Chris told me he'd go home, walk with Dodger and come back to help. Although I told him that he didn't have to he insisted on helping me. 

So here I was, alone in the hotel room again. First, I got rid of the clothes and then I started looking at some pictures I took with me, not thinking about the time when I heard a knock on my door. I opened my door, still thinking about the pictures as I saw Chris standing in front of my door, with Dodger. 

"Hey buddy!" I squealed as I sat down on the floor to greet the dog. Dodger immediately jumped towards me, wiggling his tail as he started licking me. 

"I swear that dog loves you more than he loves me!" Chris laughed as he closed the door and stepping into the room. I continued hugging Dodger as Chris hung his jacket away and placed a bag on the little table. I stood up as Dodger had enough of me now, the dog walked towards the bed where he laid down. I looked confused at the bag and back to Chris. 

"Oh, right, these are the clothes that you left at my place a few days ago, I quickly washed them," Chris told me as he gave me the bag. I thanked Chris and quickly placed the bag in the closet. I walked back to Chris who was looking at some pictures I was looking at earlier. 

"Who are they?" Chris asked me interested, pointing at a picture with two of my best friends. 

"Crystal and Katie, they were my best friends in college," I told him, thinking about the memory. Chris smiled to himself as he moved on to the next picture. 

"That's my mom and dad, that's my sister and the one with brown hair is me," I told him, it was a picture of my family back in Disneyland Paris, I was 8 at the time. 

"How long ago was this?" Chris asked me as he looked over at me. 

"About 12 years ago I think," I smiled, I don't remember much about the trip, but I did know I enjoyed it a lot. Chris and I went through all the pictures before we settled down on the bed. As the night grew old I noticed my arm was brushing Chris', our legs were touching. Neither of us thought about the time, until it was past midnight. Going home was no option for Chris since he walked here and I lived about 30 minutes away from him when you walked. We made a bed for Dodger before we both laid down on my bed and fell into a deep sleep. 

I had to admit, I never slept have slept as good as I slept with Chris, we didn't even cuddle or something, all we did was sleep next to each other, but apparently I wasn't the only one who slept better since Chris started to insist for me to sleep over, or staying late at my hotel room. This went on for weeks, neither of us wanting to admit we actually needed each other to sleep better but still sleep together. We were always together, the cast had even started to tease us, not that it mattered to us. The press noticed this too and started making rumors about us, I couldn't even go to the shop anymore without being noticed. 

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