30. Thank you Scarlett

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Scarlett gave me a coffee to relax, telling me everything will be okay. Maybe I overreacted? I don't know anymore, I feel numb, like everything will be crushing down on me soon. I still have no idea why Chris lied or why he used Sebby to cover something up he had done. I was regretting not listening to him when I had the chance.

"Chis has texted me several times, telling me he's looking for you," Scarlett interrupted my thoughts, I didn't react.

"Should I let him know?" she tried again, I just shrugged my shoulders but kept looking down. I drank my coffee, still feeling numb when Rose walked over to us again.

"Momma, will you play with me?" she asked Scarlett again.

"Momma is busy now baby, I'll play with you in a bit," Scarlett answered, clearly disappointing the little girl.

"Can I play with you? I want to play," I spoke to the little girl, getting the attention of both the little girl and Scarlett.

"Sure! Come with me and I'll show you my dolls and their house," Rose said to me as she took my hand and dragged me with her.

When I was playing with the little girl and her dolls Scarlett was calling Chris, letting him know I was with her, and I was upset. Chris immediately answered he was on his way. Scarlett waited in the living room for Chris as I kept on playing with the dolls.

"And that one is called Laura, she's an athlete and she really hates Serena but she's in love with Michael," Rose explained to me. I carefully listened to her and tried to remember all she told me about the dolls.

Scarlett opened the door for Chris, who immediately stormed inside, hoping to see me in the living room.
"She's with Rose right now, what happened?" Scarlett asked Chris, Chris explained everything to her, in detail.
"You know if you told her, she wouldn't be mad at all," Scarlett explained to Chris, who nodded sadly and agreed with her.
Both Scarlett and Chris walked up to the bedroom of Rose, where we were playing, I had no idea they were there, they spoke really quiet.
"She's really good with Rose," Scarlett told Chris, "Normally Rose doesn't play with new people but with her? It's almost like they knew each other already," Scarlett spoke, looking at her own daughter.
"She's so great with kids, I've seen her with my nieces and nephews. It makes me want to be a dad even more," Chris sighed. Scarlett nodded.
"She's perfect, maybe too perfect for me Scar, all I do is disappoint her by being on set all day, being a celebrity, lying to her about a simple thing, I don't deserve her," Chris spoke, a little louder this time.

I looked up from the dolls, only to see Chris and Scarlett standing in the door, both looking at me and Rose. At first I was happy to see Chris, but then I remembered today.
"Sorry Rose, I have to go for now, but I'll come again soon and we can play again, alright?" I spoke to the little girl while I got up, Rose just nodded her head but kept on playing with the dolls.

I walked up to the two of them, I walked straight past them into the living room, where I waited for them.
"Sorry I-" Chris started again, but I interrupted, again.
"No apology, just an explanation," I told him in my stern voice.
"I was meeting one of my exes, I didn't want to tell you, afraid of your reaction, I don't want to lose you," Chris explained, I had looked him in the eye, looking for some kind of sign he was lying again but I came up empty handed.
"Is this the truth?" I asked him, Chris nodded, slowly walking up to me.
"And it was just a meeting? Nothing else?" I asked him, to be sure.
"No, Jenna and I are just friends, I would never cheat on you," Chris assured me as he took another step towards me.
"Are you really telling the truth?" I asked him again, I could see him getting irritated but I couldn't care less.
"I am babe, I'll even call Jenna if you don't believe me," Chris took another step towards me, we were now chest to chest.
"You know how much I hate lying," I told him, he only nodded his head as he embraced me lightly in a hug.
"I know, and I am so so so sorry babe, I will never lie to you, unless it's for your own good, like a surprise," he told me, I was a bit hesitant at first but now I placed my arms around his neck, fully embracing him.

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