19. The beard is back

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As I was home alone for a couple of weeks I decided to clean the place up and to enjoy my me-time by watching Netflix all day. Everyone would say it was heaven, but after 2 weeks it got really boring and I decided to look around town, try new café's and try to make friends (which was hard).

In these past few weeks the media started rumors about my relationship with Chris, we both knew it was true but we decided not to answer on those rumors. But thanks to the media, fans found out, which meant hate. A lot of hate was pointed towards me, thankfully I had all my social media on private but still. I didn't think about it a lot, I actually didn't read them a lot, but Chris did. Many hate was send to Chris via his twitter, he always read all the posts he was tagged in, which led to him finding out about the hate. He was much more hurt than I was, I tried to tell him not to pay attention to it, that it would ease down in time but he didn't listen. He sometimes reacted to them, telling it was our business, which only led to more suspicion and more hate.

But thankfully, after 4 more weeks Chris came home, he called me the same day, telling me he would stop at the grocery store first before he would come home.

Someone knocked on my door, I opened it to see Chris standing there with a box chocolates and Dodger. Chris had grown his beard too.

"Sorry for not swinging by first but I wanted to buy you chocolates first," he excused. I smiled and let him in.

"Thank you for the chocolates," I told him as I opened the box, giving one to Chris.

"How come you grown your beard back?" I asked him as I took a chocolate too.

"I just don't like shaving," he told me before he pecked my lips.

"I was wondering, do you have a date for the premiere?" Chris asked me, I looked him in the eye.

"I'm dating you silly, who would be my date anyway?" I laughed, he smiled nervously at me.

"I don't know," he told me, but he looked like he was going to say something else too.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked him as I placed my arms around his waist, Chris scratched behind his neck before he started to speak again.

"I wanted to ask you if you would be my date? We could finally stop all the rumors," he asked me, I smiled at him.

"Of course I would, I don't know why you were that nervous to ask me though," I told him, he just shrugged his shoulders. Dodger was now jumping on our legs to get some attention. I sat down on the ground, Dodger immediately ran over and sat down on my legs.

"I guess you missed me too huh?" I said to the dog in a childish voice, I started petting Dodger as he sighed in content. Chris sat down on the couch while I petted Dodger some time longer.

"How was the rest of your stay with your family?" I asked Chris when I walked up to him.

"It was a lot of fun, I played with the kids, I really missed my family," he told me, I smiled as I sat down next to him.

"I know, even when I left my family for my dream, I still miss them," I told Chris honestly. Chris took my hand before he started to speak.

"You should visit them sometime," he told me, I shook my head.

"I know, I'm just kind of scared it will be awkward, me being away from home, away from Belgium," I told him in all honesty.

"They still love you," Chris argued, I looked at his eyes.

"I know, I'm just, I don't know, I just feel at home here right now, I don't want to feel homesick all over again when I return," I told him as I looked down to our hands.

"I still think you should give it a try, you'll feel better afterwards, and I'll be waiting right here," Chris argued again.

"You have a sister, why don't you ask her first? Maybe ," Chris told me, I nodded my head as he gave me my phone.

"Call her, I mean it," he told me.

I called the number of my sister and waited for her to pick up.

"Hallo," my sister spoke to me. (Hello)

"Hey, met Tilly hé," I told her. (Hey, Tilly speaking)

"Tilly?" my sister asked me happily.

"Yeah, ik ben het," I told her, almost crying. Chris took my hand and squeezed it lightly. (Yeah, it's me)

"Ik heb je gemist!" she told me, her voice trembling. (I missed you!)

"Ik ook, hoe gaat het daar eigenlijk?" I asked her, my voice trembling as well. (me too, how is everything going back there?)

"Goed, goed, we missen je allemaal," my sister spoke to me, but she quickly added something else. (Everything is alright, we all miss you)

"Ik ga je moeten laten, ik moet naar school vertrekken, maar ik bel je nog wel eens!" she told me, I didn't thought about the hour back there. (I have to go now, I have to go to school, but I'll call you!)

"Oké! Tot de volgende keer, ik moet je dringend iets vragen!" I told her before I hung up the phone. (Okay, until next time, I have to ask you something ASAP!)

I gave my phone back to Chris who smiled at me. He didn't say a word, knowing I wouldn't want a 'I told you so'. He just hugged me tightly while I cried softly.

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