12. Chop sticks?

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I woke up, seeing Chris laying next to me, who was still asleep. I looked to his features for a few moments. Chris was snoring softly with his mouth partly open, his face was relaxed. After I watched Chris sleep like I was a creep for a few minutes I decided it would probably be a good idea to shower and to take Dodger on a walk before Chris woke up. After I showered I made sure Dodger was ready for his walk, I walked about 30 minutes before I returned home with the dog. I gave Dodger his food before I sat down on the couch and started to read a book Chris had laid down somewhere. Dodger soon joined me on the couch and he placed his head on my lap. I stroked his hair as I read the book.

I heard some quiet footsteps coming my way from the bedroom, figuring it was Chris I kept on reading. Chris walked up to me and pecked my lips softly before he looked into my eyes and silently asked if I was okay with it. I smiled up to him before I wished him good morning.

"I'm going to take Dodger out," Chris told me as he took his jacked, I shook my head.

"I've taken already taken Dodger out, and I gave him his food too," I told Chris, he immediately looked over at me and Dodger.

"Oh, really?" Chris questioned me.

"Yeah, you kind of slept in," I smiled as I placed my book down. Chris laughed at my statement.

"Well then, I'm going to take a shower," he told me before he quickly stole another kiss.

After Chris got out of the shower we had a lazy day, cuddled up on the couch, watching movies and series all day, until Chris took my attention away from the television.

"Tilly, I have to tell you something," Chris told me as he paused the current movie for a moment.

"What's wrong?" I asked him as I switched my attention to him.

"I- I'm going home tomorrow, to my mom and my siblings, sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I just didn't know how," Chris told me while he didn't look at me at all. I took one of his hands in mine.

"Don't worry Chris, I'll handle myself, you should have fun with your family!" I told he handsome man.

"You- You're not mad?" Chris asked me anxious I would get mad.

"Not at all silly, why would I be mad?" I asked him, giggling.

"I don't know, because I didn't tell you," Chris looked down again.

"I'm not mad, not at all Chris," I placed my hand on his cheek as I pulled his face up again. I smiled at him, he was relieved I wasn't mad.

"Let's enjoy today, shall we?" I asked him, looking him in the eye, Chris pecked my lips softly before we cuddled into each other again and restarted our movie marathon again.

By the time it was 8 o'clock we decided it was a great idea to order in, we both settled with Chinese since I had been craving it ever since I got to America.

"I'm going for 384," Chris told me, I nodded at him, looking at the menu of the Chinese Restaurant around the corner.

"Chubby Dumbling?" I asked him to be sure, but as soon as I asked him he started laughing. Not knowing why he was laughing I turned my attention back to the menu.

"I think I'm going for 159," I told him when he finally stopped laughing, Chris made the phone call and placed the menu back to the drawer where it had been before. I smiled at my boyfriend before I thought about yesterday and today, my face probably showed some concern because Chris soon asked me what was wrong.

"What are we?" I asked very directly, I didn't like avoiding the subject a lot.

"What do you mean baby?" he asked me as he stepped closer, I bit my lip a bit, trying to find a way of asking it in a different way.

"I mean us, what are we? Just friends or -" I asked, being very insecure suddenly.

"I don't know, what do you want us to be?" Chris asked me as he placed his hands on my waist.

"I'm definitely liking this and I just called you boyfriend in my head so," I told him, blushing a bit as I tried to hide my face in his chest. I felt him giggling as his chest moved up and down.

"Then it's settled," Chris kissed the top of my head.

"But if you don't-" I started but he interrupted me.

"I thought we cleared that out yesterday?" he asked me as he pulled my face a bit so I was looking at him.

"Yeah we did, I'm just a bit, I don't know?" I told him softly, he smiled.

"Insecure? Don't be," Chris told me, I kissed his lips softly but passionate, the butterflies and flowers started to grow again in my stomach. Before the kiss could turn into a heavy make-out session, the doorbell rang. Chris groaned softly before he went to open the door. I touched my lips with my fingers, still thinking about the kiss when Chris had returned with the Chinese. He was packing everything out when I walked towards him.

"They forgot the cutlery," Chris mentioned, definitely not thinking about the chop sticks. I showed him the four sticks before he could go to the kitchen to get the cutlery.

"Yes Tilly, I'm aware of the sticks, but that's not cutlery!" He told me, I smiled up to him.

"You know the Chinese people actually eat with these," I laughed, Chris his expression was hilarious. He took one of the sticks.

"How can you even eat with one of these?" he asked me. I laughed even harder. I gave him his second stick as I sat down to show him how to eat with them.

"You hold them like this. No Chris, like this! Now you just have to push your fingers together and you can take the food," I explained to him, laughing every now and then because he really didn't know how to eat with them.

"I'm giving up, I'm getting the cutlery," he told me before he stood up.

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